Chapter 13 Flashcards
- Codependency originally referred to the:
a. wife whose father was an alcoholic
b. sibling of an alcoholic
c. child of an alcoholic
d. co-alcoholic
- Potter-Efron and Potter-Efron identified 8 characteristics of codependent individuals. Which of the following are included in their list of codependent characteristics?
a. shame and guilt
b. fear and preoccupation with others
c. denial and rigidity
d. all are characteristics
- Regarding ACOA risk factors
a. ACOAs report initiating substance use earlier than non-ACOAs with respect to alcohol as well as tobacco, cannabis, and other illicit drugs
b. this group has greater risk factors in developing adolescent problems
c. this group had greater risk factors for developing adult alcohol problems
d. All the above are true
- Kitchens focuses on three domains when describing codependent personality disorders. The three domains are:
a. normal traits, over-responsible behaviors, outward manifestations
b. internal feelings, outward manifestations, normal traits
c. paranoid, histrionic, and internal feelings
d. internal feelings, antisocial, and schizoid
- The schizoid/avoidant personality disorder is based upon one’s excessive need for:
a. attention
b. interaction
c. privacy
d. love
- The paranoid codependent personality is seen as having difficulties
a. trusting
b. loving
c. communicating
d. working
- According to some popular authors, _____ % of the population is considered to be codependent.
a. 100%
b. 45%
c. 95%
d. 50%
- Research on Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOAs) has focused on all of the following with the exception of:
a. qualitative and quantitative risk factors
b. identifying the clinical characteristics which correlate ACOAs to alcoholism
c. attempts at validating the clinical characteristics of ACOAs
d. all of the above have been the subject of research efforts
- ACOAs:
a. may not be different from other adults raised in dysfunctional families
b. are vastly different from other populations
c. are not a viable research population
d. are a very special group
- College recovery programs
a. are an innovative approach to helping this population
b. these programs are aimed to serve as a protective factor for recovering students
c. usually offer onsite sober housing, self-help meetings, and counseling
d. All the above are true
- Which is/are not indicator(s) that can help determine the severity of codependency, according to Kitchens?
a. the extent to which the client equates performance with self-value
b. the extent to which client experiences unexplained anger
c. the extent to which the client feels stuck in his/her relationship
d. all are indicators
- Codependency is a(n) _____ problem.
a. individual
b. family
c. spouse
d. children
- Which are criticisms of codependency?
a. the concept is too watered down to mean much of anything
b. codependent characteristics are not present across all populations
c. characteristics lack identifiable behaviors that can be used to diagnose individuals
d. all are criticisms
- The dynamics that transpire between a client and a codependent mental professional may result in:
a. enabling
b. independence
c. attachment
d. acknowledgment
- Concerning phases of co-dependency
a. the first phase is denial of the other’s drinking
b. anger is the second phase
c. reconciliation with the reality as the third phase
d. All the above are true
- Which of the following is not true about codependency?
a. there are no assessment instruments for codependency
b. assessment for codependency is relatively informal
c. it is important to combine formal and informal assessment
d. clients and therapists should engage in mutual identification of problematic areas in the client’s life
- Kitchens identifies seven subjective indicators of codependency. Which of the following is not an indicator according to Kitchens?
a. the extent to which clients feel helpless to control events in their lives
b. the extent to which clients are alcoholic
c. the extent to which clients ruminate about the dysfunctional behavior which occurred in their families of origin
d. the extent to which clients continue to deny and/or defend themselves against criticism of the client’s parents
- From a systems perspective, codependency is
a. family problem
b. individual problem
c. parental problem
d. not really an issue according to most people
- Kitchens identifies three types of family interventions. Which of the following is not an intervention recommended by Kitchens?
a. information-oriented interventions
b. cognitive-oriented interventions
c. action-oriented interventions
d. affective-oriented interventions
- What is an example of a mental health professional’s codependency?
a. rigid adherence to one theoretical orientation
b. over-preoccupation with the problems of others
c. needing to have clients tell therapists how the sessions are going
d. all are examples
- Research suggests that the third and fourth phases of co-dependency may also be referred to as
a. rescuing and hatred
b. rescuing
c. hatred
d. honeymoon and reconciliation
- Messner’s (1996) three-step rebirthing method, based on Melody Beattie’s treatment for codependency recovery, includes
a. recognition that codependency exists within
b. engaging in purification through mortification
c. movement towards redemption
d. all the above
- Recent studies on ACOAs have included new populations that were not included in previous research efforts. The two new groups include
a. Latinos and Latinas
b. women and youth
c. African Americans and women
d. Asians and Native Americans
- According to the research, which of the following is true for ACOAs?
a. ACOAs have more relationship troubles than other groups
b. There is an association between ACOAs and the development of problems later in life
c. ACOAs are less likely to marry
d. All are true
- A review of the literature on gender bias and codependency reveals:
a. the very construct of gender is questionable
b. there is little gender bias
c. if any, codependency is biased towards children
d. parents are the source of the gender bias
- Criticisms of codependency include:
a. the term has not been applied across genders evenly
b. women may have higher rates of alcoholism and the term is seen as a barrier to assessment
c. the concept keeps men from developing important characteristics of helping and caregiving
- In collective cultures, codependency
a. is not an issue
b. is seen as a relational problem
c. differs from the western concept because of different views of the self
d. has more serious implications than for any other culture
- The Korean concept of “subjugated dependency” means that
a. oppression does not exist
b. codependency results from Confucian patriarchal values
c. there is no relationship that can be described as codependent
d. none of the above are true