Chapter 5.8 - Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns - SP-EN Flashcards
Mi profesor me enseña a hablar español.
My professor teaches me to speak Spanish.
Voy a mostrártelo.
I am going to show you it.
Está cocinándonosla.
He is cooking us it.
Voy a dártelo.
I am going to give it to you.
Les explicamos los chistes a ustedes.
We explain the jokes to you all.
Se los explicamos a ustedes.
We explain them to you all.
Paula te repara la computadora.
Paula repairs the computer for you.
Te voy a mostrar el museo.
I am going to show you the museum.
Nos arreglan los boletos de avión.
They arrange the plane tickets for us.
Te lo voy a dar.
I am going to give it to you.
¿A quiénes les explicamos los chistes?
To whom do we explain the jokes?
Se los explicamos.
We explain them to you all.
Paula te la repara.
Paula repairs it for you.
Le muestra las casas.
Chuck - Jennifer
He shows her the houses.
Gabriela quiere dárselo a María.
Gabriela wants to give it to Maria.
Se la servimos.
Bill & Joanne
We serve them it.
Mi profesor me lo enseña.
My professor teaches me it.
Estoy explicándotelo.
I am explaining it to you.
Gabriela quiere darle un regalo.
Gabriela wants to give her a gift.
Se lo voy a dar.
I am going to give it to him.
Están enviándonoslas.
They are sending us them.
Ellos nos los piden.
They ask us for them.
¿A quién le servimos la comida?
To whom do we serve the food?
Jorge le pide los libros a Carla.
Jorge asks Carla for the books.
Nos los arreglan.
They arrange them for us.
Jorge se los pide.
Jorge asks her for them.
¿A quién le muestra él la casa?
To whom does he show the house?
Se la muestra a ellos.
He shows it to them.
¿A quién le quiere dar Gabriela un regalo?
To whom does Gabriela want to give a gift?
Se las muestra.
Chuck - Jennifer
He shows her them.
¿Te los da Héctor?
Does Hector give them to you?
Les servimos la comida.
We serve them the food.
Nos está cocinando una cena deliciosa.
He is cooking a delicious supper for us.
Necesito dárselo mañana.
I need to give it to him tomorrow.
Gabriela quiere dárselo.
Gabriela wants to give it to her.
Se la servimos a él.
We serve it to him.