Chapter 5.6 - Direct Object Pronouns - SP-EN Flashcards
¿Puedes traernos aquí?
Can you bring us here?
Ella va a crearlos.
She is going to create them.
Ustedes están comprándola.
You all are buying it.
¿Lo puedo usar?
Can I borrow it?
La quiero enviar.
I want to send it.
Lo llamo por teléfono.
I call him on the phone.
Lo quiere saber.
He wants to know it.
Quiero enviarla.
I want to send it.
Estoy mirándolo.
I am looking at you.
Estela tiene el libro.
Estela has the book.
¿Puedo usar su carro?
Can I borrow your car?
Lo necesito hacer.
I need to do it.
Quiero hacerlo.
I want to do it.
Mauricio lo tiene.
Mauricio has it.
Voy a verlos mañana.
I am going to see you all tomorrow.
La estoy cocinando.
I am cooking it.
Estela lo tiene.
Estela has it.
Puedes llamarme.
You can call me.
Estoy comprándolos.
I am buying them.
Vamos a ver a mi abuela.
We are going to see my grandmother.
Los estoy comprando.
I am buying them.
Voy a traer a María.
I am going to bring Maria.
Van a tomarlo a las diez.
They are going to take it at ten o’clock.
Ustedes están comprando la casa.
You all are buying the house.
La caminata es divertida. La quiero hacer más.
Hiking is fun. I want to do it more.
Lo está buscando a él.
She is looking for him.
Siempre las compra.
He always buys them.
Quiero enviar la tarjeta.
I want to send the card.
Está buscándote.
She is looking for you.
Mauricio tiene el gato.
Mauricio has the cat.
Estoy comprando los zapatos.
I am buying the shoes.
Te invito a ti y a nadie más.
I am inviting you and no one else.
Está escribiéndolos.
He is writing them.
Van a tomar el vuelo a las diez.
They are going to take the flight at ten o’clock.
Estoy cocinando la cena.
I am cooking dinner.
La vamos a ver a ella.
We are going to see her.
La voy a traer.
I am going to bring her.
Siempre compra las verduras.
He always buys the vegetables.
Lo van a tomar a las diez.
They are going to take it at ten o’clock.
Llamo a Juan por teléfono.
I call Juan on the phone.
La vamos a ver.
We are going to see her.
Ustedes la están comprando.
You all are buying it.
Estoy cocinándola.
I am cooking it.