chapter 51 pharm 343 Flashcards
*diphenoxylate with atropine (lomotil, lonox)
synthetic opiate agonist that is related to meperidine. it acts on smooth muscle of the intestinal tract, inhibiting GI motility and GI propulsion. it has no analgesic activity. when taken in large doses can cause extreme anticholinergic effects.(dry mouth, tummy pain, high heart rate, and blurred vision)
*docusate salts (calcium and sodium) (colace)
stool softening emollient laxatives that help the passage of water and fats into the fecal mass which loosens stool. used to treat constipation, soften fecal impactions, and help with hemorrhoids and anorectal conditions. they do not cause defecation to ease its passage.
promotes bowel movement by increasing osmotic pressure in intestine which draws fluid into the colon. often used in children. similar to sorbitol. contraindicated with pts with hypersensitivity reaction to it. rectal solution and suppository.
synthetic derivative of natural sugar lactose which not digested in stomach or absorbed in small bowel. it passes unchanged into large intestine where it is metabolized. colonic bacteria digest lactulose to produce lactic acid, formic acid and acetic acid which creates a hyperosmotic environment that draws water into colon and produce laxative effect. reduces blood ammonia levels. ammonium is a water soluble cation that is trapped in intestines and cant be reabsorbed. oral or rectal use.
*loperamide (Imodium (A-D))
synthetic antidiarrheal. it inhibits both peristalsis in the intestinal wall and secretion and decreasing the number of stools and water content. Opiate drug in OTC medication, contraindicated with severe ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, and diarrhea from E.coli.
*psyllium (metamucil)
natural bulkforming laxatives obtained from dried seed . contraindicated in pts with intestinal obsrtuction or fecal impaction. used for abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. oral use in wafer and powder form.
*senna (senokot)
used OTC stimulant laxative. used for relief for acute constipation or bowel procedures. may cause abdomen pain. complete emptying in 6-12 hrs. tablets, syrup, and granules.
Antidiarrheal drugs
drugs that counter or combat diarrhea.
adsorbents, antimotility drugs and probiotics.
a recurring condition of the intestinal tract characterized by bloating, flatulence, and often periods of diarrhea that alternate with constipation.
women more effected
drugs that promote bowel evacuation, such as by increasing the bulk of the feces, softening the stool, or lubricating the intestinal wall.
laxatives are among the most misused OTC meds. long-term and inappropriate use may result in laxative dependence, produce damage to bowel, or lead to nonexistent intestinal problems. not to be used for long period use.
five major groups: bulk forming, emollient, hyperosmotic, saline, and stimulant laxatives.
a condition of abnormally infrequent and difficult passage of feces through the lower gastrointestinal tract. constipation is a symptom not a disease. it is a disorder of movement thru the colon and/or rectum that can be caused by a variety of diseases or drugs.
Adsorbents act by coating the walls of GI tract. they bind the causative bacteria or toxin to their adsorbent surface for elimination through stool. Adsorbent bismuth subsalicylate is aspirin form and it also may have the same drug effects. charcoal coating also works with overdose cuz of the drug-binding effect. colestipol and cholestyramine are anion echange resin that are prescubed as antidiarrheal. antocholenergic drugs use to slow peristalsis by reducing the contractions and smooth muscle tone of GI tract and reduce GI secretions.
the abnormally frequent passage of loose stools.
5-8 million deaths per year in infants, small children and are among the leading causes of death and morbidity in underdeveloped nations.
acute diarrhea-to sudden onset lasts from 3days-2weeks and is self-limiting. causes are drugs, bacteria, viruses, nutritional factors, and protozoa.
chronic diarrhea-lasts longer than 3-4weeks and is associated with recurrent diarrheal stools, fever, nausea, vomiting, weight reduction (cachexia) and chronic weakness. causes include tumors, AIDS, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Addison’s disease, and IBS.
treatment is to stop the stool frequency, replenishing fluids and elect, and preventing weight loss.
pt with diarrhea should not take antidiarrheal meds bcuz it will cause organism to stay in body longer.
GI disease symptoms
pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
poducts from bacterial cultures which make up normal bacterial flora. destroyed by antibiotics. work by replenishing these bacteria which helps balance of normal flora and suppress the growth of diarrhea causing bacteria. (yogurt)