Chapter 50 Oxygenation Flashcards
Rapid respirations is seen with fevers metabolic acidosis pain and hypoxemia
Abnormally slow respiratory rate which can be seen in pt who have taken drugs such morphine or sedatives who have metabolic alkalosis who have increased intracranial pressure
The absence of any breathing
Inability to breath easily unless sitting upright or standing
Difficulty breathing or the feeling of being short of breath SOB
Reduced oxygen levels in the blood may be caused by conditions that impair diffusion at the alveolar capillary level such as pulmonary edema
Insufficient oxygen anywhere in the body results potentially causing cellular injury or death
Bluish discoloration of the skin nail beds and mucous membranes due to reduced hemoglobin oxygen saturation
Pulmonary Ventilation
The first process of the respiratory system ventilation of the lungs
- Clear airways
- An intact central nervous system and respiratory center
- An intact thoracic cavity capable of expanding and contracting
- Adequate pulmonary compliance and recoil
Intrapleural Pressure
Pressure in the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs is always slightly negative in relation to atmosphere pressure
Intrapulmonary Pressure
Pressure within the lungs always equalize with atmospheric pressure
Quiet rhythmic n effortless
Adventitious breath sounds
Abnormal breath sounds
Collapsed alveoli
Biot’s cluster respiration
Shallow breaths interrupted by apnea
Cheyenne Stokes Respirations
Marked rhythmic waxing and waning of respirations from very shallow to very deep with short periods of apnea
Movement of gases from an area of greater pressure of concentration to an area of lower pressure or concentration
Oxygen concentrations play a major role in regulating respiration decreased oxygen concentrations are the main stimuli for rectors because the increased carbon dioxide levels desensitize the central chemoreceptors
Red blood cells
Spit out
The percentage of blood that is erythrocytes
Oxygen carrying blood cells is a major component of RBCS the predominant cell present in blood
Accumulation of blood in the pleural space
Devices that add water vapor to inspired air
Increased levels of co2
Involves giving client breaths of greater volume than set on ventilator or via manual resuscitation bag
Moves blood from the heart to the tissues maintain a constant flow to the capillary beds despite the intermittent pumping of the heat
Arterial Circulation
Force exerted on arterial walls by the blood flowing within the vessel
Blood pressure
Factors affecting cardiovascular function
Non- modifiable risk factors
Heredity , age , gender
Modifiable risk factors
Elevated serum lipid levels, HTN, smoking, diabetes and lifestyles
Cardiovascular function can be altered by conditions that affect
The function of the heart as a pump
Blood flow to organs n peripheral tissues
The composition of the blood and its ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle may become occluded by atherosclerosis or a blood clot shutting off the blood supply to a portion
Myocardial Infraction or Heart Attack
The heart is unable to keep up with the body’s need for oxygen and nutrients to the tissues
Heart failure
Signs of impaired peripheral arterial circulation in the legs and feet
Decreased peripheral pulses
Cool extremities
Decreased hair distribution
What are the impaired venous circulation
Pooling of blood in the veins Edema Decrease venous return to the heart Veins become inflamed reducing blood flow and increasing the risk of thrombus clot Pulmonary embolism
Anemia signs and symptoms
Chronic fatigue
Shortness of breath
Lack of blood supply due to obstructed circulation
The buildup of fatty plaques within the arteries
Primary peace marker of the heart
Sinoatrial SA or sinus node
Cardiac muscle cells that form the bulk of the heart
Mucus clearing device
Is used for clients with excessive secretions such as cystic fibrosis,copd.
Movement causes vibrations that loosen mucus from the airways
Postural drainage
The drainage by gravity of secretions from various lung segments.
- these secretions can cause bacterial growth and infection
- obstruct smaller airways and can cause atelectasis