Chapter 5 words not built from word parts Flashcards
Acid-fast bacilli smear
Test performed on sputum to determine the presence of acid fast bacilli which causes TB.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory failure as a result of disease or injury
Arterial blood gasses
Test performed on arterial blood to determine the levels of O2, CO2 and pH.
Deprivation of O2 for tissue use; suffocation
Aspirate 2 def.
- To withdraw fluid or suction fluid
- To draw foreign material into the respiratory tract.
Res. disease charecterized by coughing, wheezing, and SOB. Constriction and inflammation of airways
Agent that causes narrowing of the Bronchi
Agent that causes bronchi to widen.
Chest Computed tomography
Radio graphic imagining to diagnose tumors, abscesses, and pleural effusion.
Chest radiograph
Radiograph imaging to evaluate the lungs and heart. Also called a chest x ray
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Progressive lung disease that restricts airflow
Fungal disease affecting the lungs and somtimes other organs of the body
Cor Pulmonate
Serious cardiac disease associated with chronic lung disorders
Heard on inspiration, sound like the crinkling of celophane. Also called rales
Cystic Fibrosis
Heriditary disorder of the exocrine glands with excesss mucous production and other symptoms.
Deviated Septum
Septum becomes disfigured. makes it hard to breathe
Stretching of the lung tissue caused by the alveoli becoming distended and losing elasticity
Ventilation of lungs beyond normal needs
Ventilation of the lungs that does not fulfill the body gas exchange needs.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chronic lung Disorder by increasing scarring
Highly contagious and often severe viral infection of the resp. tract
Containing both mucus and pus.
Slimy fluid secreted by the mucous membrane.
Device that creates a mist for a respiratory treatment.
Nosocomial Infection
infection acquired during a hospitalization
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
reptative pharyngeal collapse during sleep
periodic, sudden attack
Peak Flow Meter
Portable insturment used to measure how fast air can be pushed out of the lung.
The act of tapping on the body surface with the fingers to determine the density of the part beneath the fingers.
highly contagious bacterial infection charecterized by whooping sound.
Pleural Effusion
Fluid in the pleural space casued by a disease or trauma
Purified Protein Derivative skin test
Test performed on people who have recently been exposed to TB.
Pulmonary Edema
Fluid accumilation in the alveoli and bronchioles, often caused by heart failure
Pulmonary Embolism
foreign material circulating carried to the pulmonary artery where it blocks circulation to the lungs and can be fatal
Pulmonary function test
Group of tests performed to measure breathing capacity and used to determine external respiratory function
Pulse Oximetry
Mesuring the O2 in the blood
low pitched snoring quality sound with a stethoscope
mucous secretions from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea that exit through the mouth
Sputum culture and sensitivity
test performed on sputum to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria.
Instrument used to hear sounds within the body.
Harsh high pitched sound heard on inspiration
Infectious bacterial disease that is spread by inhalation of small particles
Upper Respiratory Infection
Infection of the nasal cavity, pharynx, or larynx. Commonly called a cold.
Ventilation Perfusion scanning
Nucleaur medicine procedure performed by inhaling and injecting into an artery followed by an image to show how well the air is distributed.
Mechanical device used to assist in breathing or substitue breathing