Chapter 5 - The Legislative Branh Flashcards
proportional representation
House members representing a particular piece of the population in their state.
how the 435 House seats are divided among the states.
a counting of the number of people in an area, done every 10 years
drawing up congressional district maps to favor one political party over another
17th Amendment
1913 Amendment that allowed for Senators to be elected by their state’s voters, not by the state legislatures.
a private meeting of a political party to decide on policy or choose their leaders
the required number of people needed for a meeting to do business
a proposed new law
filibuster, Cloture Rule
Clotures limit a Senator to only talk 1 hour on a bill, which limits a filibuster. A filibuster is endless talking on a bill to stall the vote on it.
voice vote, standing vote, roll-call vote
voice votes are “ayes/nays” yelled out and estimated, standing votes require standing, and roll-call votes are written down so the public can be clear how each politician voted.
presidential veto
The President’s power to forbid a policy, even if the legislature wants to put it in place.
legislative veto
Congress’s power to forbid a policy, regardless of what the President wants
“necessary and proper” clause
Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution which lays out the expressed and implied powers of Congress
bringing a formal accusation against an official
Speaker of the House
The presiding officer of the House of Reps