Chapter 5 - The Integumentary System Flashcards
Define the integumentary system
Organ system that includes skin, hair nails, glands, sensory receptors, subcutaneous tissue below the skin.
What is the epidermis?
Outer skin made of Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial tissue.
What is a keratinocyte?
Cells that are abundant in the epidermis. No capillaries present between them. Bound together in “tight junctions” of proteins of their cell membranes
What are defensins?
Antimicrobial peptides created by keratinocytes - produced after injury to the skin - rupture membranes of pathogens that may enter by ways of breaks in the skin
What vitamin does the epidermis produce?
Vitamin D on exposure to UV light –?modified by liver and converted by kidneys o its most active form 1,25_D
What is Vitamin D used for?
Important for absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the small intestine –? used to build the matrix of bones and teeth.
What is Cathelicidin
a natural antimicrobial that punctures the membranes or outer covers of pathogen –? created by vitamin D that stimulates skin cells and white blood cells.
What is the Stratum Corneum?
Outermost epidermal layer, consists of many dead cells, all that is left is their keratin
- relatively waterproof cell, prevents most evaporation of body water
- Barrier to chemicals and pathogens
What is the Stratum germinativum?
- Contentious mitosis produces new cells to replace worn off surface cells
- produces antimicrobial definsins
- Cholesterol changed to Vitamin D on exposure to UV rays
Describe Langerhans Cells
Also called dendritic cells (d/t branched appearance when they move)
- Originate in red bone marrow, mobile.
- Able to phagocytize foreign material (bacteria that enters body through skin breaks)
- Langerhand cells migrate to lymph nodes and present the pathogen to lymphocytes –> triggers an immue response.
Describe 1st degree burn
only the superficial epidermis is burned (not blistered)
-skin will appear red (erythema) d/t vasodilation in the damaged area –> inflammatory response bring more blood to injured site
Describe 2nd degree burn
- Partial thickness burn, deper layers of epidermis are affected.
- Damaged cells release histamine with infection, makes capillaries more permeable. , often creates blisters d/t fluid build up
Describe 3rd degree burn
full thickness burn, entire episdermis charred away. Can be potentially life threatening.
Describe 4th degree burn
qdepp full thickness burn - burn has reached underlying muscle tissue or bone. Bacterial infection is a serious problem
What are Merkel Cells
Receptors for sense of touch
Define Spticemia
When pathogens get into blood and spread through out body via bacterial infection (result of burns)
Define circulatory shock
Define circulatory shock
As tissue fluid evaporate d/t burn, more plasma is pulled from capillaries into the tissue spaces, as more plasma is lost, blood volume and pressure decrease resulting in circulatory shock.
Define Melanocytes
Define Melanocytes
Found in lower epidermis, produce melanin (made from amino acid tyrosine)
- People with dark skin, melancocytes continuously
- Melanin also gives color to hair. produce large amounts of melanin. (light skinned people produce less)
- melanin production ^ by exposure of skin to UV rays
Define Squamous Cell carcinoma/ Basal cell carcinoma
Most common forms of skin cancer - lesions are visible as changes in normal appearance of skin, ix via biopsy.
-usually do not metastasize rapidly.
Define Malignant melanoma
More serious form of skin cancer, begins in melanocytes. Serious because it may metastasize rapidly to lungs, liver or vital organs.
What is the Dermis?
Irregular type of fibrous connective tissue (fibers are not parallel but criss-cross and run in all directions)
What are Collagen / Elastin fibers
Produced by fibroblasts
-Collagen are strong,
-Elastin are able to recoil after being stretched.
Both characteristics of dermis (strength + elasticity)
Define the Paillary Layer
Uneven junction of the dermis with the epidermis.
-Capillaries are abundant
Define structure of Hair Follicles
Made of epidermal tissue
- Base of follicle is dermal papilla (projection of connective tissue of the dermis, contains blood vessles)
- Next is the hair root (contains cells called the matrix, where mitosis takes place) –> produces new keratin, get color from melanin, then die and incorporate into Hair shaft, which is pushed toward the skin surface.
- 0.3-0.4 inch of hair growth per month.
Define structure of nail follices
Produce nails, mitosis takes place in nail root at bas of nails –> new cells produce keratin tyheen die.
-Nail consitts of kertinized dead cells, flat baed is living epidermis and dermis.
Name an autoimmune disease of the skin
Alopecia Areta - hair is lost in discrete patches (usually on scalp)
-Some form of psoriasis are thought to have an autoimmune component
How do Receptors work?
- most receptors for cutaneous senses are found in the dermis (Merkel cells in Stratum germinativum)
- Cutaneous senses: touch, pressure, heat, cold, itch, pain. –> Cold itch pain receptors are free nerve endings
- ->touch and pressure are encapsulated nerve endings
What are Sebaceous Glands?
- Epithelial tissue
- open into hair follicles or directly to skin surface
- -secrete sebum (lipid substance (oil) that inhibits growth of some species of bacteria on skin surface.
- overactive sebaceous glands can lead to acne
What are Cercuminous Glands?
- Located in dermis of ear canals
- Secrete cerumen (earwax)
- Prevents drying
- Can become impacted if too much accumulates
Define Sweat glands (2 types)
1) Appocrine - Most numerous in the axillae (underarm) and genital areas, most active in stressful and emotional situations.
2) Eccrine - all over the body (lots on forehead, upper lip, palms, soles)
- sweat mostly water, made from blood plasma, is salty
- Secrete to tube of dermis, extends to skins surface and opens into a pore.
- Maintenance of body temp
What is impetigo
Common skin disorder, bacterial infection cause by streptococci or staphylococci,
-Characterized by pustules.
What is Eczema?
Sx of atopic dermatitis –> allergic reaction with genetic component that changes the chemistry and structure of the skin.
-Results in itchy rash (pruritus), may blister or ooze, flare-ups triggered by allergens.
Define Warts
Cause by virus that makes epidermal cells divide abnormally, producing growth that is raised and rough or pitted surface.
What are Fever Blisters (cold Sores)?
Caused by herpes simplex virus, most people are exposed to as children. May be active lesion (usually at edge of lip). Painful, oozes. Can lay dormant if not destroyed by immune system.
What are Arterioles?
Small arteries (smooth muscle in walls permits them to constrict or dilate) –> important in maintenance of body temp.
- -?In warm environments, the arterioles dilate, ^ blood flow through the dermis, brings excess heat close to body to be radiated to environment.
- -> in cold environment, they constrict to decrease blood flow through the dermis, keeping heat within core of body.
What is subcutaneous tissue (superficial fascia)?
One of the connective tissue membranes, made of areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue –?connects dermis to underlying muscles.
-contain collagen + elastin fibers and WBC’s
What are mast cells? Why do they work?
Produced in red bone marrow, found in connective tissue throughout the body –?produce histamine, leukotrienes and other chemicals to help bring about inflammation.
Why are adipocytes important?
Cells of adipose tissues specialized to store fat –? helps cushion bony areas (like hip bones), provides some insulation from the cold.
-Contributes to appetite, use of insulin, produces cytokines that activate WBCs
Why is Areolar connective tissue important?
Connects skin to msucles,
-Contains many WBCs to destroy pathogens
-Contains mast cells
What is necrotizing Fasciitis
What is nercotizing Fasciitis?
An acute infection requiring surgical removal of the infected tissues, or even amputation of the limb.
-Very serious, bodys defenses have been overwhelmed d/t looseness of areolar connective tissues.
What affects does aging have on the integumentary system?
-both layrers of skin become thinner and more fragile
(mitosis in the epidermis slows, fibroblast in the dermis die)
-Sebaceous glands and sweat glands become less active - skin becomes dry, temperature regulation becomes more difficult
-Hair follicles become inactive on the scalp ((baldness often genetically regulated)
-Melanocytes dies are are not replaced (hair becomes white)
-Skin more susceptible to sun burn (melanocyttes not enough to create efficient barrier of melanin)
-Decreased ability to produce vitamin D