Chapter 5 — The Early Narratives and Preparation for Ministry Flashcards
Luke’s narrative reveals that Elizabeth, John’s mother and Mary were relatives and that
in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Gabriel announced Christ’s coming.
Concerning the annunciation and birth of Jesus, Luke shares that
through a decree of Caesar Augustus, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
One possible explanation for the difference between the genealogies given by Matthew and Luke is that
Matthew gives the royal lineage while Luke gives the actual physical descent.
According to the Law, presenting a child to the Lord required the parents to
take him to the temple in Jerusalem and offer a sacrifice.
Regarding the birth and babyhood of Jesus, Matthew records that
in dreams, God told the Magi not to return to Herod and told Joseph to flee to Egypt.
Jesus’ temple visit as a twelve-year-old was significant in that He
was prepared for His future role in the religious community.
The first time Luke’s record shows Jesus’ awareness of His unique relationship to God the Father was at His
visit to the Jerusalem temple at twelve years old
John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sin and
announced Christ’s coming to prepare people for Him.
Christ felt the need to be baptized because
it identified Him with sinful Humanity and pointed to His death, burial, and resurrection.
Our Lord’s temptation is most significant in that He
was tempted in every way just as we are, yet was without sin.
What information does 1 Chronicles 23-24 provide that helps us understand the role and function of the priests related to the temple?
Many priests and Levites were available for service in the temple, some for administration and judicial work, others for keeping the gates, and still others for musical ministry. Serving included everything from maintaining the temple promises and baking bread to praising God.
What personal family information does Luke’s record provide about John and Jesus?
Luke’s detailed record of the annunciation of both John and Jesus tells us about the relationship of Mary and Elizabeth, the location of their homes, and John’s age in relation to that of Jesus.
Contrast the annunciation of Christ which Matthew records with that of Luke.
Matthew says “an angel” spoke to Joseph in a dream, whereas Luke says Gabriel made the announcement to Mary.
Which Gospel?
Gabriel visits Mary.
Which Gospel?
Mary stays three months with Elizabeth.