Chapter 5 The child in shock Flashcards
How does acidosis affect myocardial contractility and the affect of catecholamines?
Decreases myocardial contractility
Decreased effective of catecholamines
What are the 5 categories of shock?
What are some features of toxic shock syndrome?
Generalised erythema
What urine output is the target in children?
You have given multiple fluid boluses, you are considering a furthe fluid bolus and are thinking about using albumin, is there much evidence for this?
Not very good evidence but still worth considering if you’ve already given 20ml/kg of crystaloid
What patients might you consider more judicious fluid boluses (5-10ml/kg)
cardiogenic shock
Raised ICP
After how much fluid should you consider starting inotropes?
After how many fluid boluses in the setting of shock would you consider intubation to reduce energy demand of the child?
What antibiotic do you give for septicaemia without clear cause?
Age < 2 months
Ampicillin (aged dependent if < 1 month) (if < 1 month 50mg/kg IV ever 6 hours max 2g
Gentamycin (if < 1 month age dependent dosing) (>1 month 7.5mg/kg IV once daily max 320mg)
Age > 2 months
Ceftriaxone 100mg/kg IV once daily max 4 g daily
or cefotaxime 50mg/kg IV 6 hourly max 2g /dose
In shock from haemorrhage, after what volume of crystaloid resuscitation should you consider activation of massive transfusion protocol?
5-10ml/kg of crystaloids if there is no response to this
What joules do you use for cardioversion for shock secondary to a tacycarrhythmia?
1st shock: 1J/kg
2nd shock: 2J/kg
3rd shock 2J/kg
Is adenosine acceptable to use in a shocked child from SVT?
Yes, if you can give it as quickly as you can delivery and shock + provide sedation for the shock (often it is quicker to use adenosine)
What is the dose of adrenaline for shock secondary to anaphylaxis?
10microg/kg IM
True or false, hypoglycaemia can mimick compensated shock?
What are the main causes of heart failure in an older child?
What are the causes of shock in trauma?
Haemorrage (no. 1)
Tension pneumothorax
Spinal cord transection
In gastroenteritis with shock, what fluid bolus should you give and how many does it usually take to restore adequate circulatory volume
Repeat if needed
Two boluses is usually enough
When should you start NG feeds in gastroenteritis with shock?
Immediately , can start concurrently with IV fluid boluses. Speeds up recovery.
Aim to restart normal normal feeding with feeding within 4-6 hours
In severe gastroenteritis, a child may convulse due to hyponatraemia. How much and how fast can you given Na+ replacement?
3% 3ml/kg over 15-30 minutes
Until Na 125mmol/L OR when seizure terminates
In asymptomatic hyponatramia, what is the maximum rate of correction per day you want to achieve?
Increase Na+ no more than 8 -12 mmol/L/day
In young children with diarrhoea and vomiting, what are the other gut pathologies other than gastroenteritis that can present this way?
Get an XRAY or USS to investigate these
Can sepsis and toxic shock syndrome mimick an acute abdomen?
Yes, give antibiotics early
After how many fluid boluses should you definitely consider inotropes and or intubation if not already done?
3rd 20ml/kg fluid bolus
Definitely inotropes, strongly consider intubation to reduce oxygen demand and prevent pulmonary oedema
What is it important to place a urinary catheter in shocked patients?
To monitor fluid status/renal perfusion