Chapter 5 : The Annual Report Flashcards
balance sheets can appear in 2 forms :
the account form and the report form
the differences between the acount form and the report form in presenting the balance sheets
under the account form, assets items appear on the left, liabilities and owners’ equity appear on the right. meanwhile, the report form lists asset, liability, and owners’ equity accounts in order vertically.
(kalo account form itu dia kaya laporan, asset dikiri sisanya di kanan, kalu report form semuanya list lurus dari atas kebawah)
the differences between single step statement of operations and multi step statement of operations
single step statement of operation : one step in substractiong total operating expenses from total revenues (cuma sekali step aja, jd jumlah revenue - expenses trs kelar)
multi step statement of operation : draws subtotals for each category of revenues and expenses (revenue sama expenses punya banyak subnya jd semuanya dijumlah dulu masing-masing trs baru dijumlah lagi seexpenses atau serevenue baru dikurang)
the definition of gains and losses
gain is income obtained by a transaction other than a core business function (increases a company’s net income)
loss occurs when a company loses money on an activity that does not arise from normal business operations (decreases a company’s net income)
keuntungan yang didapat dari melakukan kegiatan disamping kegiatan utama perusahaan dinamakan
why are gains and losses appear separately on the statement of operations?
because they are an income and losses of the company activities that are independent of the company’s core business function like selling insurance policies and annuities and investing premium income. because they are independent thats why the gains and losses appear separately on the statement of operations
definition of extraordinary items
a non-core business transaction that is unusual, rare in occurrence, and not based primarily on management decisions.
examples of extraordinary items
losses from natural disaster, losses from the enactment of a new law, and gains from the expropriation of a company’s land and buildings for a highway
gains and losses that are not considered extraordinary
- disposal of a business management
- changes in the value of a foreign country
- sale or disposal of a fixed asset
- effects of a labor strike
the formula of net incomes/loss if there is gains and losses
net income/loss = revenus - expenses + gains - losses
definition of statement of cashflows or cashflow statement
it’s an information about a company’s cash receipts (inflows) and cash disbursements (outflows) during a given accounting period
the function of statement of cash inflows
reconciles the cash the company has on hand at the beginning and at the end of the accounting period.
in accounting terminology, a cash flows is
a source of funds
in accounting terminology, a cash outflows is
a use of funds
yg menyebabkan cash inflows bertambah
- a decrease in an asset account (selling an assets for cash)
- an increase in a liability account (taking out a loan)
- an increase in stockholders’ equity (issuing common stock)
- a receipt of revenue (selling policies)
- net income
yang menyebabkan outflows bertambah
- an increase in an asset account (purchasing an asset)
- a decrease in a liability account (paying off a loan)
- a decrease in stockholders’ equity (retiring or repurchasing a company’s own common stock)
- a payment of expenses
- a net loss