Chapter 3 : The Accounting Cycle Flashcards
whats a journal
a journal contains all the original, chronological records of a company’s financial transactions. provides in one place a complete historical record of a company’s business transactions, in the order in which they occured.
a company’s journal typically contains of
transaction date account name account number transaction description posting reference debits credits
what is a posting reference?
its a code that links an accounting entry in a journal to one or more source documents associated with a business transactions
what is a ledger (buku besar)
a ledger is a set of account books (manual system) or a set of electronic record (automated system) that provides detailed information on the dollar amounts in each of a company’s accounts.
what is a general ledger
general ledger is a summary of all accounts with their current balances
what is subsidiary ledgers
it is contain more detailed sub-accounts within the account categories listed in the general ledger
the differences in arranging the urutan dari journal and ledgers
a journal is arranged chronologically, and a ledger follows the order of a company’s accounts as listed on the chart of accounts. (the balance sheets - assets, liabilities, owners equity - come first then followed by the statement of operations accounts - revenues and expenses -)
what is posting
its a process of transferring the amounts listed in a journal to the appropriate accounts in a ledger
a ledger typically consist of column listing….
- the account name
- the date of the transactions
- a posting reference
- an indication that the transaction is a debit or a credit transactions
- an indication that the account has a debit or a credit balance
beda journal and ledger
kalo journal isinya semua transaksi sesuai urutan kronologi kek misal tanggal 2 beli batre, tanggal 3 beli sayur gtgt
nah kalo ledger (buku besar) itu dikotak-kotakin sesuai accountnya, misal di account sayuran nnti dimasukin tuh tgl 3 beli sayur, nah di account persediaan nnti dimasukin beli batre
what is trial balance
its a listing of all ledger accounts with their debit or credit balances.
whats the use of trial balances?
to determine whether total debits equal total credits kek diliat dari semua account itu trs dijumlah tuh debit ma creditnya dari semua akun nnti hasil akhirnya sama apa gak itu antara debit ama credit u know gwenchanayo ya allah semangat
typical error that can happen in trial balances
- reversed or unbalanced debits and credits (kebalik tempatnya ceunah)
- posting to the wrong accounts
- arithmetic error (pertambahannya erroR)
- errors that involve transpositions or slides (transpositions salah nulis gt kek harusnya 546 tp ditulis 456, kalo slides itu komanya salah tempat, harusnya 45.60 jadi 4.560)
when is adjusting entries used
when the company should include in its financial statements tapi its not yet happened or still on going.
contoh adjusting entries
pendapatan perusahaan pada tahun ini yang akan dibayar ke karyawan taun depan, ini nulisnya pake adjusting entries