Chapter 5 (Study Group) - Nutrition Science, Assessment and Prescription Flashcards
Which of the following forms the ABCD nutrition assessment approach?
A. Ascertain food diary, Body measurements, Chemical analysis, Drugs/supplements
B. Anthropometric data, Body measurements, Clinical assessment, DEXA to measure body fat/composition
C. Anthropometric data, Biochemical data, Clinical assessment, Dietary assessment
D. Ascertain dietary assessment, Bioelectrical impedance analysis, Chemical analysis, Drugs/supplements
C (p122)
Which of the following is an example of a SMART goal?
A. Eat more leafy greens, whole grains, legumes
B. Eat less processed meats, milk products, sweets
C. Eat a small piece of fruit eg apple/mandarin/pear/lady finger banana for morning tea 3 times a week at work on weekdays for the next 2 weeks
D. Eat food, not too much, mostly plants
C correct answer. A (positive prescription). B (negative prescription). C Michael Pollan quote
Which of the following is not considered a shortfall nutrient?
A. Fiber
B. Calcium
C. Sodium
D. Potassium
C Sodium (overconsumed food) p117
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Liquid calories contribute more sugar calories to the American diet than any other category of food
B. Common sources of saturated fat in the US diet include cheese, pizza, burgers
C. Highly concentrated saturated fats include foods with 4-7grams of saturated fats per serve
D. Daily fiber recommendations are ~25g/day for women and ~38g/day for men with greater benefits if >40g/day for women and ~45g/day for men
A True p116. B True p117 C False (>8g/serve p117) D True
With regards to AGE Advanced Glycation End Products which of the following food preparation methods would you advise patients to avoid?
i) cook foods at higher temperature for longer
ii) cook foods by grilling, baking, frying, roasting, searing
iii) moist heat cooking: boiling, stewing
A. i) and ii)
B. ii) and iii)
C. All 3 options
D. None of the above
A patient has read about the harmful effects of trans fats and wondered which foods he should avoid consuming to avoid eating trans fats. You advise which of the following?
A. Reassure there is no need to worry, the FDA has mandated the food industry remove all trans fats by 2018 so he can eat anything he wants
B. He can eat dairy products and meat which do not contain trans fats
C. He should avoid coffee creamer and drink his coffee black
D. He can order doughnuts to go with his coffee every morning if he is a police officer
C (p135)
Which is statement is untrue regarding the American dietary guidelines?
A. The guidelines are updated every 10 years
B. Food industries can influence public policy so therefore the guidelines are a middle position and there may be discrepancies between scientific evidence and the current recommendations
C. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that nutrition and health professionals help people find a healthy eating pattern that works for them and includes a variety of food and beverages within an appropriate calorie level
D. One way that health professionals, both within and outside of the Federal government, can communicate the Dietary Guidelines with the public is through MyPlate, which serves as a reminder to build healthy eating patterns by making healthy choices across the food groups.
A Guidelines updated every 5 years
Which of these is NOT one of the key recommendations made in the US Dietary guidelines?
A. A healthy eating pattern includes a variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups— dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and fruits, especially whole fruits and grains, at least half of which are whole grains
B. Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy beverages
C. A variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), and nuts, seeds, and soy products.
D. Consume less than 30% of calories per day from added sugars
D is incorrect – should be <10%
A healthy eating pattern includes:
A variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups— dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other
Fruits, especially whole fruits
Grains, at least half of which are whole grains
Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy beverages
A variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), and nuts, seeds, and soy products.
A healthy eating pattern limits:
Saturated and trans fats, added sugars, and sodium.
Key Recommendations that are quantitative are provided for several components of the diet that should be limited. These components are of particular public health concern, and the specified limits can help individuals achieve healthy eating patterns within calorie limits:
Consume less than 10% of calories per day from added sugars
Consume less than 10% of calories per day from saturated fats
Consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day of sodium
If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation – up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men – and only by adults of legal drinking age.
Which of these foods is not considered to be high in saturated fat?
A. Milk
B. Avocado
C. Beef
D. Coconut oil
B Avocado has 2.1g/per serving (one fruit) compared with others all >4grams per serving
Which of these is NOT one of the top 5 sources of sodium in the US diet?
A. Burgers
B. Tacos
C. Pasta
D. Cheese
D the top five sources are mixed dishes (A/B/C are examples of these), protein foods, grains, vegetables ( usually as part of mixed dishes) and sweets/snacks
Which of these is not one the top 5 sources of calories in the US diet?
A. Chicken
B. Sweetened beverages
C. Cheese
D. Pizza
C Top 5 ( product of energy density and volume eaten) are refined grain based desserts, non whole grain breads, chicken, sweetened beverages and pizza.
Which of these is not a shortfall nutrient?
A. Calcium
B. Magnesium
C. Potassium
D. Selenium
D. Shortfall nutrients are Calcium, fibre, Mg, K, Vit A,C,D, E , K
Which of these foods does not have a high fibre content ie. >20% DV in a serving?
A. Raspberries
B. Mushrooms
C. Flaxseeds
D. Papaya
B. Mushrooms fall into the mod high fibre 5-20% DV category
A nutritional assessment should NOT include
A. Biochemical data
B. Clinical assessment
C. Dietary assessment
D. Exercise prescription
Includes- ABCD
Anthropometric data( weight, BMI,WC) , Biochemical data (lab work), Clinical assessment ( age, gender, PMSHx, activity levels, nutritional hx, physical examination), Dietary assessment- (daily intakes liquids/solids, 24 hr recall, 3 day food record, nutrition calculators)
Which of these diets or interventions has no demonstrated evidence for a positive effect of the nutrition based approach in modifying disease outcomes?
A. Portfolio diet
B. DASH diet
C. CHIP program
D. Flexitarian diet
D Flexitarian diet has no supporting data in the board review book
Which of these is the least helpful nutrition prescription format?
A. Consume 1 cup of cooked broccoli three times a week at dinner for 3 months
B. Limit consumption to 1 cup of a sugar sweetened beverage once per week
C. Consume 5 brazil nuts every day for 1 month
D. Consume cruciferous vegetables every day
D prescriptions should follow TAF- Type (be specific), Amount (exact) and Frequency. Generally better to be a positive prescriptions- consume more of as more accepted by patients
Which of these is not routinely recommended to assist patients with developing healthy eating habits?
A. Keep a food and exercise journal
B. Develop a consistent meal schedule
C. Discuss intermittent fasting
D. Avoid eating in the car
C . Not covered in this material
Which of these plant foods is not rich in protein?
A. Tofu
B. Lentils
C. Pumpkin seeds
D. Broccoli
D soy beans, tofu, lentils, pinto beans, hempseed, whole wheat bagel, pumpkin seeds are all > 9 g/protein per serve
Which of these is not a saturated fat?
A. Stearic acid
B. Lauric acid
C. Palmitic acid
D. Trans fat
Which of these is not a good source of mono unsaturated fats?
A. Peanut oil
B. Canola Oil
C. Olives
D. Sunflower seeds
D mainly composed polyunsaturated fat
Foods that contain healthy monounsaturated fats include:
Unsalted nuts such as almonds, cashews and peanuts
Cooking oils made from plants or seeds, including: olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, soybean, sesame and safflower.
Foods that contain healthy polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6) include:
Tahini (sesame seed spread)
Linseed (flaxseed) and chia seeds
Soybean, sunflower, safflower, canola oil and margarine spreads made from these oils
Pine nuts, walnuts and brazil nuts.
Which of these is an essential fatty acid?
A. gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA)
B. α-Linolenic acid (ALA)
C. Arachidonic acid (AA)
D. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
B Only two fatty acids are known to be essential for humans: alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid)
To reduce AGE consumption it is recommended to do all of these except which of these statements?
A. Increase unprocessed whole foods
B. Prepare food by moist heat cooking eg boiling or stewing
C. Choose full fat dairy products
D. Avoid frying and grilling
C . AGE’s are higher in full fat dairy
Which of these statements is not true?
A. Oxalates in beet greens, spinach and chard inhibit the absorption of calcium contained in these foods
B. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are potassium rich foods
C. Adequate calcium intake can only be achieved by eating dairy foods
D. Magnesium is found in nuts and black beans
C. greens, tofu, beans, fortified non dairy drinks are all good sources to meet daily requirements
Which of these recommendations are not suggested to lower cancer risk?
A. Increase antioxidant foods such as carrots, spinach, berries
B. Reduce fibre to 20g/day
C. Reduce red meat and highly processed foods
D. Avoid increased AGE from thermal processing
B recommended to increase fibre to 40- 45 mg/day
Which of these is optimal LDL?
A. 50-70 mg/DL ( 1.293-1.810 mmol/L)
B. 40-60 mg/DL ( 1.193-1.610 mmol/L)
C. 50-80 mg/DL ( 1.293-1.910 mmol/L)
Optimal LDL is 50-70 mg/DL (1.293-1.810 mmol/L)
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding food sources of calcium?
a. Calcium is a shortfall nutrient along with magnesium and phosphate
b. 40-60% of the calcium from high oxalate dark greens can be absorbed, compared to 32-34% from dairy
c. The calcium available in greens such as spinach, swiss chard and beet greens is readily absorbed
d. Food groups which are high in calcium (>20% DV per serve) include dairy, poppy seeds, calcium-fortified non-dairy beverages and tofu
High calcium: dairy, seeds (chia, poppy, sesame), calcium fortified non-dairy veg and tofu
Moderately high: almonds, beans, low oxalate dark greens (kale, bok choi) and okra
Calcium, magnesium and POTASSIUM are all shortfall nutrients
40-60% of calcium from LOW oxalate dark greens can be absorbed. The greens mentioned in d. are all high in calcium but also high in oxalates which limits absorption.
Which of the following is an accurate list of the shortfall nutrients (those that Americans are failing to consume at recommended levels)?
a. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, fiber
b. Calcium, magnesium, phosphate, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, fiber
c. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamins A, C, D, E and K, fiber
d. Calcium, magnesium, phosphate, Vitamins A, C, D, E and K, fiber
You see Joe, 67yo, who has been referred by a colleague with a wish to lose weight for health reasons. In your first appointment to address this your basic nutrition assessment should include:
a. Anthropometric data - weight, height and BMI; BMI is especially valid for Joe as he is over 65yo
b. A clinical assessment, including age, gender, medical and surgical history, activity level, nutritional and weight history, vital signs and physical examination
c. A dietary assessment; the best choice for this appointment would be a 3 day food recall as it gives you the most information
d. All of the above in addition to biochemical data
BMI is less valid for people under 20yo or over 65yo. Anthropometric data includes a waist circumference. A dietary assessment can be completed using a variety of tools (eg daily intake of solids/liquids, 24 hour recall, 3 day food record (usually given as an assignment for the next appointment), mini nutritional ax for the elderly, a variety of online tools, calculators and apps, or a dietician in-depth assessment). A basic nutrition assessment includes ABC and D – anthropometric data, biochemical data, clinical data and dietary assessment.
Sandra is a lady of 50. She is a non-smoker with no family history of CVD, cancer or diabetes. She sees you for a general check. . You establish that she currently drinks 1-2 glasses of wine once a week, and that she walks at a moderate intensity for 20 minutes 3 times a week. She has a total cholesterol of 4.3mmol/L, a BP of 118/78 and no evidence of diabetes or pre-diabetes. She does not enjoy vegetables and eats approximately 1 serve a day. Her BMI is 24.2. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding her management?
a. The US preventative services taskforce (USPSTF) would recommend intensive behavioural health nutrition counselling and physical activity counselling for Sandra
b. As per the USPSTF, nutrition and physical activity counselling should be based on Sandra’s readiness for change.
c. There is strong evidence which exists for nutrition prescriptions
d. If a nutrition prescription was written for Sandra, the format TAF (type of food, amount to be eaten and frequency that the food should be eaten) should be used – it is generally very accepted to ‘deprescribe’ first, ie decrease the frequency of foods such as processed meats and sweets rather than first specifying foods to eat more of such as leafy greens
As she has no chronic disease and no risk factors, USPSTF recommends counselling be based on readiness for change (Grade C recommendation – service should be offered in a selective manner). Nutrition prescriptions are not well documented in the literature, but there is reason to believe they would be helpful given they are similar to exercise prescriptions, for which there is strong evidence. “Positive” prescriptions (consume more of a certain food) are generally more acceptable to patients than “negative” (consume less of a type of food).
In diabetes, B-cell death can occur due to multiple genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, including which of the following?
i. Oxidative stress from hyperglycaemia or from free fatty acids
ii. Leptin, which can induce apoptosis via stimulation of cytokine pathways
iii. Dyslipidaemia – VLDL and LDL are pro-apoptotic
iv. Sustained moderate-high alcohol intake stimulates pancreatic cell death
a. All of the above are correct
b. i, ii and iii are correct
c. i and iii are correct
d. None of the above are correct
B (BR manual, p. 150)