Chapter 5: Sources of Data for Use in Epidemiology Flashcards
What is record linkage?
the joining of data about a single entity from 2 or more sources. An advantage would be the ability to augment research data for descriptive and analytic studies in order to explore specific health outcomes
Ex: employment records and mortality data
What is public health surveillance?
the ongoing systemic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data
the application of various tests and procedures to identify suspected cases of a disease
Multiphasic screening?
the administration of 2 or more screening tests during a single screening program. One of the goals is secondary prevention through early detection of diseases.
What is a registry?
a centralized database for the collection of info about a disease. Widely used for the compilation of statistical data on cancer, etc.
What is generalizability?
Also called external validity. The ability to find apply the findings of a study to the pop. that did not participate in the study
What V’s characterize big data?
- Variety
- Volume
- Velocity
What is data perturbation?
the process of modifying identifying characteristics of data to protect the privacy of individual respondents
the degree to which a sample resembles a parent population
What is data sharing?
the voluntary release of info by 1 investigator/institution to another for purposes of scientific research