Chapter 5 Safety and Risk Management Flashcards
Who identifies hazards and mitigates dangerous conditions?
Fire Officer
Who Identifies and corrects behaviors that could lead to injury or death?
Fire Officer
What type of plan minimizes chances of harm and identifies and controls factors that might lead to injury or death?
Incident Action Plan IAP
What measure depends of the ability to avoid the events leading to injury or death?
Which program was developed by the NFFF to prevent line of duty deaths and injuries?
Everyone Goes Home
How many safety initiatives were created at the Safety Summit in 2004
What Initiative/Program states;
- Fire fighters must work in teams
- Officers must maintain accountability for all members working under their supervision?
- Reliable 2way communications must be maintained
Everyone Goes Home
Who launched a web-based system in 2005 to report near misses?
International association of fire chiefs
What is the goal of the National Firefighter Near Miss Reporting System?
To track incidents in which serious injury or death was avoided
What are 4 ways to reduce deaths from sudden cardiac arrest?
- Everyone undergoes medical exam
- Officer should look for indications that FF is unfit for duty
- Lifestyle changes
- Fitness is personal priority
What type of incident accounts for the largest percentage of traumatic deaths for firefighters?
Collisions MVC
What are 4 ways to help prevent deaths from MVC?
- obey traffic laws
- use seatbelts
- drive sober
- control speed
Who is responsible for ensuring that drivers follow the rules of the road?
The fire officer
What are the 2 prime factors in death in burning buildings?
Asphyxiation and burns (from entrapment)
In an effort to reduce death from fire suppression operations, what 2 factors must the fire officer consider in an effort to maintain crew integrity?
- the officer should know the location and function of every crew member
- many fatal fire related incidents involve a firefighter who died before the officer was aware that he or she needed help
What 2 organizations have established requirements for firefighters operating in an IDLH environment?
What can cause irreversible adverse health effects or interfere with an individuals ability to escape unaided
Operating in an IDLH
Which program requires the following;
- a designated officer in charge
- 2 firefighters who enter the area
- 2 firefighters outside the area
Two in - Two out
What is the name given to a dedicated crew that is assigned for deployment to rescue lost or trapped members?
Rapid Intervention Crew RIC
When should the initial RIC assemble when assigned to operate within IDLH environments
Initial RIC should assemble PRIOR to operations within IDLH
What system;
- identifies personnel on scene and those in the hazard area
- accounts for all personnel
Personnel accountability system
On an SCBA what warning device provides an indication when the air supply reaches a set point?
Low-Pressure warning devices
During supression operations every team member must have full PPE and include at least how many memebrs?
2 members
Staying oriented Making observations Providing/receiving regular updates Listening to fire ground radio Asses risk-benefit model Do not lose track of larger situation
Are all examples of:
Situational Awareness
What organizational structure provides the framework for commanding high-risk tasks
What analysis states;
The only situation that justifies exposure to a high level of risk is one where there is a realistic chance that a life can be saved?
Risk-Benefit Analysis
The fire officer starts the “risk benefit analysis” by preparing?
A Pre-Incident plan
By combining the pre-incident plan and the officers observations what is formed/result?
An Incident Action Plan
Who is the designated individual at the emergency scene who performs a set of duties and responsibilities specified in NFPA 1521?
Incident Safety Officer
Who functions as a member of the incident command staff and reports directly to the incident commander?
Incident Safety Officer
On a fire scene who acts as an observer and has the following responsibilities;
- monitoring the scene
- identifying and reporting hazards
- taking steps to stop unsafe actions
Incident Safety Officer
These qualifications are required of a __________
- Must be a department officer
- Must meet the requirements for Fire Officer 1
- Must be qualified to work in a sector officer position
Incident Safety Officer
Knowing safety and health hazards involved
Building construction
Personnel accountability system
Incident rehabilitation
are the general knowledge requirements of a ________?
Incident Safety Officer
- Ensuring hazard areas are established and communicated to members
- Ensuring zones are marked and communicated to members
- Ensuring RIC is ready for deployment
- Ensuring the accountability system is used
are all typical tasks for _________?
Incident Safety Officer
- Ensuring traffic hazards and apparatus placement at roadway incidents
- Monitoring radio transmissions
- Communicating the need for assistant incident safety officers
- Communicating any injury, illness, or exposure of personnel
are all typical tasks for __________?
Incident Safety Officer
- Initiating investigation procedures
- Evaluating hazards associated with a landing zone
- Ensuring compliance with the infection control plan
- Ensuring that rehabilitation and stress management are provided
are all typical tasks for __________?
Incident Safety Officer
- Ensuring firefighters needs are met at long duration operations
- Attending strategic and tactical planning sessions and providing input
- Ensuring a safety briefing is developed and made available on the scene
are all typical tasks for __________?
Incident Safety Officer
When a fire involves one or more buildings there can be additional duties required;
- advise the incident commander of hazards
- evaluate smoke and fire conditions
- monitor accessibility of entry and egress of structures
These duties are required of ___________?
Incident Safety Officer
Some scenes require more than one safety officer. Who should inform the incident commander of the need to establish a safety unit?
Incident Safety Officer
The process of providing rest, rehydration, nourishment and medical evaluation to members involved in strenuous operations is known as?
For every firefighter death, how many firefighter injuries are there?
While creating and maintaining a safe work environment, safety programs must do what?
Safety programs must address preventing injuries AND fatalities
With regard to Safety Policies and Procedures the Fire Officer needs to do what 3 things?
Understand the policies
Follow the policies and procedures
Ensure that subordinates follow them
- Requiring members to sign a document acknowledging an understanding
- Reading and explaining each policy
- Having members read the policy and lead a discussion
- Watching videos of incidents
area all methods to?
Methods to ensure firefighters understand policies and procedures
- “Report of the week”
- “the secret list”
- information posted by the ERSI
- incident videos collected by
- NIOSH case studies
Theses are a list of_________?
Sources to review safety policies
Physical fitness and Personal Protective Equipment are 2 factors that can help assure_________?
2 factors that help ensure Emergency Incident Injury Prevention
Regarding fire station safety, clothing (PPE/turnouts) should_______?
- Never be worn in the living quarters of the station
- Be inspected regularly
- removing standing water
- clear walking traffic flow areas
- maintain fire extinguishers
- regularly wash hands
- not leaving vehicles runing in the bay
are examples of what in a fire station?
Good house keeping within a fire station
- never bending at the waist
- bending at the knees and lifting by standing straight up
- seeking additional help when needed
- utilizing support equipment
are all considerations for what action?
Lifting Techniques
- policy identifying
- risk management plan
- annual training and education
- designated infection control officer
- access to appropriate immunizations
- plan for handling exposure incidents
Area all components of _________?
These are components of an infection control program
- washing the affected area with soap and water
- notifying the infection control officer
- informing the exposed individual about counseling an testing services
are methods to handle what type of incident
These are methods for handling an infectious disease exposure
- description of how exposure occurred
- mode of transmission
- entry point
- use of personal protective equipment
- medical followup and treatment
these are bits of information that should be considered when _____?
Important information to document exposures using a standardized reporting form
who is charged with the investigation of accidents?
The health and safety officer
- determining the cause and circumstances
- identifying the corrective actions needed
regarding a accident investigation these are ______?
2 results that should come of an accident investigation
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure all required documentation is complete and accurate?
The health and safety officer’s responsibility
- identification and collection of evidence
- interview with witnesses
- written documentation
are 3 phases of what?
3 phases of an investigation
During an investigation a fire officer has the duty to be _____& _____
To be fair and unbiased are an officers duty during an investigation
These are 2 parts of what type of analysis?
- based on the written report of the incident safety officer
- includes information relating to safety and health issues involved with the incident
2 major parts of a post incident analysis
By how much did the number of firefighters who died on duty, decline over a 30 year period?
30% is how much the number of firefighters who died on duty has declined over the last 30 years
Approximately 43.5% of 2011 injuries occurred during what part of daily firefighting duties?
During fire ground operations is when 43.5% of injuries occured
Firefighters are more likely to die of what cause than any other worker in the US
Sudden cardiac arrest is more common among firefighters than any occupation in the US
The second leading cause of fatalities on the fire ground is caused by what?
Being struck by or contact with an object is the second leading cause of fatalities
The third most frequent cause of fatalities on the fire ground is?
Being caught or trapped is the third most frequent cause of fatalities
What type of report is analyzed annually using a tool modified from the US Navy’s human factors analysis and classification system?
Near miss reports are analyzed annually using a special tool
How many levels of HFACS are there when analyzing near miss reports?
4 levels of analyzation in a near miss report
Regarding the levels of HFACS a level 1 is?
unsafe acts is level 1
Regarding the levels of HFACS a level 2 is?
pre-conditions to unsafe acts is level 2
Regarding the levels of HFACS a level 3 is?
unsafe supervision is level 3
Regarding the levels of HFACS a level 4 is?
organizational influences is level 4
These records are all maintained by?
- accidents
- occupational deaths
- injuries
- illnesses
- exposures
Fire Departments maintain records of these
During data analysis which department does the following?
- Identification and analysis of exposure to hazards
- selection of appropriate risk management techniques
- implementation of chosen techniques
- monitoring of results
Risk management is the department that does these during data analysis
- were unsafe acts being committed?
- what must be done to change the behavior or attitude?
- if the cause was an unsafe condition, how can this condition be corrected?
These are questions to ask when trying to determine what about the accident?
The root cause of the accident is what you are after
Once the cause has been identified, this information should be found where?
- the problem
- actions taken to correct the problem
- additional actions that should be implemented
This information should be outlined in a filed report concerning the incident
These are tips to help the fire officer __________ hazards
- determine what the activity should be
- develop a procedure or equipment list
- consult with supervisors for approval
- train peers and subordinates
- make an updated SOP or directive
- integrate the activity into the program
These are all tips for the fire officer to help mitigate hazards
4 _________ that the fire officer must fulfill
- identify unsafe and hazardous conditions
- mitigate or reduce problems
- train and prepare for hazards
- model safe behavior
These are 4 roles that the fire officer must fulfill