Chapter # 5 Positioning Apparatus Flashcards
What is one exception to the rule of positioning apparatus uphill?
In wildland fires position down hill due to rapid fire spread uphill.
Name 9 positioning considerations when fire conditions are evident.
Department SOP’s. Rescue Situations. Method of Attack. Water Supply. Exposures. Wind Directions. Terrain. Relocation Potential. Building collapse.
Name signs of building collapse or a unstable building.
Bulging walls. Large cracks in the exterior; falling brick, block or mortar; interior collapse.
If it is not possible to relocate from falling debris, what should be done?
Cover the apparatus with salvage covers.
Where should a pumper position on a building less then 5 stories in height?
On the inside/building side of the street.
What tool other then rope or floats can be used to keep a intake hose off the bottom of the water source?
A ground ladder.
To what degree should the front wheels of a apparatus be turned to facilitate easy readjustment of a apparatus when connecting to a hydrant?
45 degrees
When connecting to a hydrant with a side intake engine, where should the engine stop.
Just short of the hydrant to facilitate a curve in the hose.
Soft intake hose that does not have sexless couplings can have two twist put into before connecting to the pumper. What does this do?
Prevents kinks.
When using a front or rear intake connection where should the pumper be aimed?
In the direction of the hydrant at a 45 degree angle or less.
What is one of the easiest ways to ensure the maximum possible flow?
Removing kinks
When both small diameter and large diameter hydrant connections are going to be used; what hose should receive preference in relation to apparatus position?
The large diameter.
One strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers.
Dual pumping
A form of relay pumping but with the pumpers positioned close together.
Tandem pumping
In tandem pumping apparatus may be apart up to how many feet?
What are the two most common functions of wildland fire apparatus?
Structure protection. Direct fire attack.
When positioning a wildland apparatus, do not position them next to or under these 4 things.
Power lines. Trees or snags. LPG tanks or other pressurized vessels. Structures that might burn.
Wild land crews always begin their fire attack from what?
A anchor point.
What should be done when there is reduced visability when driving a wildland apparatus?
Decrease speed. Use a spotter.
Spotters should do these three things.
Have a reliable hand light. Wear highly visible clothing. Stay in the drivers field of view at all times.
What should be done to the wildland apparatus if it is positioned for a stationary operation?
Pull and charge a 1 1/2” or 1 3/4” line for protection. Chock the wheels. Face the exit direction.
If wildland apparatus must be driven into where crews are working what should be done.
Use horn/siren intermittently, drive slowly, use warning lights.
Personal assigned to them are commonly used as extra manpower or to perform truck functions when one is not present.
Should be positioned with a exit, out of the way of other apparatus. If used for lighting or SCBA fill it should be positioned to meet that job.
Rescue/Squad Apparatus.
Name two types of equipment that can be used to refill SCBA’s on the fire scene.
Cascade systems. Breathing Air Compressors.
Cascade systems on mobile apparatus usually range from a bank of ….to….. large cylinders.
4 to 12
Engine driven appliances that take in atmospheric air, purify it, and compress it.
Breathing Air Compressors.
Should be positioned close enough to be out of the way but does not make firefighters have to carry bottles a long distance. If a breathing air compressor is going to be used, it needs to be upwind of the incident.
Breathing Air supply Apparatus.
Name the two primary types of EMS vehicles that may respond to a fire scene.
Rapid response (non transport). Ambulance (transport).
On incidents where there is a medical patient, where should EMS vehicles be positioned.
Near the treatment/triage area.
On incidents where there is no medical patient, where should EMS vehicles be positioned?
Where firefighter rehab is.
Staging that involves the initial dispatch where more then one unit is responding?
Level I
Staging when a large number a vehicles are responding to the incident, mutual aid, or multiple alarms.
Level II
Staging that is initiated by the IC or Operations section chief.
Level III
Who becomes the staging area manager?
Typically the first arriving units officer at the staging location.
Companies in staging must be able to respond in how many minutes?
3 minutes.
Where should the staging managers vehicle be located?
Near the entrance, clearly marked.
On road ways where vehicles travel at high speeds, apparatus should never driven the opposite direction except in what case?
If police units have closed the road.
Can aerial apparatus or ground ladders be used to reach the scene of incidents occurring on bridges?
Who publishes the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices?
A apparatus on a road incident should be positioned to protect the scene by positioning it at a angle so the operator is protected by traffic from what?
The tailboard.
Where should additional apparatus be placed on road incidents?
150-200’ behind the shielding apparatus.
What direction should the front wheels be turned when positioning on a road incident?
Away from the scene.
When responding on a potential haz mat incident apparatus should stop short of the scene until when?
Until the nature of the hazard is understood.
Where should apparatus not be stopped on a potential haz mat incident?
Over manholes.
What should be obtain from dispatch or observed while in route to a haz mat incident?
The wind speed and direction.
Is a control zone static?
Other names for the hot zone.
Restricted zone. Exclusion zone. Red zone
How large is a hot zone?
The zone extends far enough to prevent people outside the zone from suffering ill effects from the released material.
Other names for the warm zone?
Contamination reduction zone. Limited-access zone, Yellow zone.
Used to support and decon workers in the hot zone.
Warm zone.
Other names for the cold zone?
Support zone. Green Zone.
Used to carry out all the support functions of the incident. No PPE is required. Incident command, staging, treatment/triage are all located in this zone.
Cold Zone
What should be avoided when responding to repeated bomb threats at the same location?
Staging in the same place.
What should be done if it becomes absolutely necessary to stretch hose across train tracks?
Contact train company to shut down line. Run hose under rails. Use aerial apparatus to run hose over the top.
What percent of calls to which most fire departments respond are EMS incidents?
Where are emergency vehicles required o park according to many SOP’s?
Off the road with all emergency lights off.
T or F Tactically, apparatus must be positioned according to its intended function during the incident.