CHAPTER 5 Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources Flashcards
core competency
A set of knowledges and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers.
direct applicants
People who apply for a vacancy without prompting from the organization.
The planned elimination of large numbers of personnel with the goal of enhancing the organization’s competitiveness.
due-process policies
Policies that formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal the employer’s decision to terminate that employee.
employment at will
Employment principle that if there is no specific employment contract saying other- wise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause.
The attempts to determine the supply
of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be labor shortages or surpluses.
job posting,
The process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else the organization communicates with employees.
leading indicators
Objective measures that accurately predict future labor demand.
The practice of hiring relatives.
Contracting with another organization (vendor, third-party provider, or consultant) to provide services.
realistic job preview
Background information about a job’s positive and negative qualities.
Any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.
People who apply for a vacancy because someone in the organization prompted them to do so.
transitional matrix
A chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period.
trend analysis,
Constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next year, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year.
workforce utilization review,
A comparison of the proportion of employees in protected groups with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market.
yield ratio,
A ratio that expresses the percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.