CHAPTER 3 Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace Flashcards
affirmative action
An organization’s active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group.
bona fide occupational qualification
A necessary (not merely preferred) qualification for performing a job.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.
disparate impact,
A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities.
disparate treatment,
Differing treatment of individuals, where the differences are based on the individuals’ race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status.
EEO-1 report
The EEOC’s Employer Information Report, which details the number of women and minorities employed in nine different job categories.
equal employment opportunity
The condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Agency of the Department of Justice charged with enforcing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other anti-discrimination laws.
four-fifths rule
Rule of thumb that finds evidence of discrimination if an organization’s hiring rate for a minority group is less than four-fifths the hiring rate for the majority group.
job hazard analysis technique,
Safety promotion technique that involves breaking down a job into basic elements, then rating each element for its potential for harm or injury.
material safety data sheets (MSDSs)
Forms on which chemical manufacturers and importers identify the hazards of their chemicals.
Occupational Safety and Health Act
U.S. law authorizing the federal government to establish and enforce occupational safety and health standards for all places of employment engaging in interstate commerce.
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA),
Labor Department agency responsible for inspecting employers, applying safety and health standards, and levying fines for violation.
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Procedures (OFCCP),
The agency responsible for enforcing the executive orders that cover companies doing business with the federal government.
reasonable accommodation,
An employer’s obligation to do something to enable an otherwise qualified person to perform a job.
right-to-know laws,
State laws that make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal.
sexual harassment
Unwelcome sexual advances as defined by the EEOC.
technic of operations review (TOR)
Method of promoting safety by determining which specific element of a job led to a past accident.
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
Guidelines issued by the EEOC and other agencies to identify how an organization should develop and administer its system for selecting employees so as not to violate anti-discrimination laws.
Thirteenth Amendment
Abolished slavery, Court system
Fourteenth Amendment
Provides equal protection for
all citizens and requires due
process in state action, Court system
Civil Rights Acts (CRAs)
of 1866 and 1871 (as
Grant all citizens the right to make, perform, modify, and terminate contracts and enjoy all benefits, terms, and conditions of the contractual relationship, Court system
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Requires that men and
women performing equal jobs
receive equal pay, EEOC
Title VII of CRA
Forbids discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex,
or national origin, EEOC
Age Discrimination in
Employment Act of 1967
Prohibits discrimination in
employment against individuals
40 years of age and older, EEOC
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Requires affirmative action in
the employment of individuals
with disabilities, OFCCP
Pregnancy Discrimination
Act of 1978
Treats discrimination based
on pregnancy-related conditions
as illegal sex discrimination, EEOC
Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990
Prohibits discrimination
against individuals with
disabilities, EEOC
Executive Order 11246
Requires affirmative action in
hiring women and minorities, OFCCP
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Prohibits discrimination
(same as Title VII), EEOC
Uniformed Services
Employment and Reemployment
Rights Act of
Requires rehiring of employees who are absent for military service, with training and accommodations as needed, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
Act of 2008
Prohibits discrimination
because of genetic
information, EEOC