Chapter 5- Pecuinary Flashcards
What is pecuniary insurance concerned with
Intangibles such as income, revenue or value
What is the basis purposes of legal expenses insurance
To provide indemnity for costs arising out of the need to seek legal advise or to pursue or defend a civil action
What are the two standard policy covers
- Group legal benefit policies
2. Commercial legal protection policies
Under group legal benefit policies what is employment cover
Defence of any claim brought against a member in the course of their employment
Defence and compensation awards resulting from specified legislation
Costs of claiming for compensation arising out of members employment eg wrongful dismissal
Under group legal benefit policies what are the 4 sections of cover
- Employment cover
- Personal cover
4, motor cover
- Conveyancing cover
What are commercial legal protection policies
Designed to cover firms or companies in their capacity as employers, manufacturers; property owners etc
What are the 5 main sections of commercial legal protection policies
- Employment cover- defending an action by an employee against the firm
- Criminal prosecution defence cover- defences an action brought against the company usually under health and safe ty at work legislation
3 property disputes cover
- Motor cover
- Patents, registered designs, copyright and trademarks cover
What are the 4 optional extensions for commercial legal protection policies
- Defending libel and slander charges
- Involvement in public enquiries
3, investigations by professional bodies
- Taxation proceedings
What are the limitations for legal expenses cover
No cover where legal action is pursued against advice
What are the basic features of BI
The monetary amount that needs to be insured and the time the interruption will affect the business
What is the turnover in relation to BI
Turnover is the total income arising from the activities of the business
How is the turnover broken down in regards to BI
Costs are divided between those that vary in direct proportion of the turnover and those that not vary in this way
What two items may result in a loss to the insured under BI
Net profit and fixed charges
What terms do insureds use for the addition of net profit and standing charges
‘Gross profit’
What is the ‘difference basis of cover’ under BI
Works by deducting the uninsured working expenses (the variable charges) from the turnover.