Chapter 5 - Notes Flashcards
What is the most versatile of all building systems?
Wood light frame construction
What are the disadvantages of wood light frame construction?
It burns rapidly, decays if exposed to dampness, expands and contracts significantly in response to humidity, and looks unattractive.
When was wood light frame construction developed?
First half of the 19th century
What’s the difference between a balloon frame and platform frame?
Balloon frames used full-length studs that ran continuously for two stories from foundation to roof.
How is a platform framed house constructed?
- Floor platform is built
- Loadbearing walls are erected upon it.
- A second-floor platform is built upon the walls and a second set of walls upon this platform.
- The attic and roof are built upon the second set of walls.
How far are framing members spaced in wood light frame construction?
16 inches on center or 24 inches o.c.
What is sheathing?
A facing layer of boards or panels that join and stabilize the pieces into a single structural unit.
What are rim boards or band joists?
The crosspieces at the ends of the floor joists in a floor structure.
What is subflooring?
The sheathing applied over the floor framing.
What are studs?
The parallel pieces in a wall structure.
What’s a sole plate or bottom plate?
The crosspiece at the bottom of the wall.
What’s a top plate?
A crosspiece at the top of a wall which if frequently doubled for strength.
What’s a ridge board?
The board at a roof’s peak.
What are floor joists?
The parallel boards that run from rib board to rim board.
What are headers and trimmers?
Frame openings for windows, skylights, chimney, etc.
What’s a sill?
A board that heads off the bottoms of window and door openings.
Where are trimmer studs?
On the sides of window and door openings.
Foundations must be insulated to reduce the exchange of heat with the surrounding soil. T/F
What are framing plans?
An efficient layout with appropriate sizes for joists and rafters.
What are section details prepared for?
Major connections in the building system.
What do architectural floor plans indicate?
The locations and dimensions of walls, partitions, and openings.
What do exterior elevations show?
The outside faces of the building with vertical dimensions or elevations
What do building sections show?
A view of the building cut in half, showing the dimensional relationships of various floor levels and roof plans.
What are interior elevations prepared for?
Kitchens, bathrooms, and other rooms with elaborate interior features.
What’s a foundation sill plate (mudsill)?
A plate made of preservative-treated wood for resistance to insects and moisture. It is attached to the top of the foundation to serve as a base for wood framing. Fastened with anchor bolts.
What does a sill seal or gasket do?
Inserts between the sill and foundation to reduce air infiltration and to restrict moisture.
What sizes are floor joists typically and how are they spaced?
2x6 to 2x12 joists spaced 16 or 24 inches o.c.
What must be inserted where joists exceed 12 inches in depth?
Bridging (solid blocking, cross-bracing, or strapping) must be inserted not exceeding 8 ft.
I-joists are likely to be used for floor framing because they are lighter, longer, more uniform, and reduce drying shrinkage. T/F
Typically wall framing uses what size members at what spacing?
2x4 or 2x6 members at 16 or 24 inches o.c.
How many studs are required at each wall intersection?