Chapter 5 Natural Selection Of The Origin Of Species Flashcards
Macro evolution
Large-scale evolution the evolution of new species and higher categories
Small-scale evolution genetic changes within a population over time
Artificial selection
The deliberate of breeding of domesticated animals or plants
Physical environment
The inanimate elements that surround an organism
Biological environment
The living element surrounding the organism
Cultural environment
The products of human endeavor including technology and social institutions around in the organism
A specific set of physical biological and cultural factors immediately surrounding an organism
The place in which a particular organism lives
A very specific habitats in which a population is found
Ecological niche
The specific microhabitat in which a particular population lives and the way the population exploits that microhabitat
Selective agent
Any factor that brings about differences in fertility and mortality
Selective pressure
Pressure placed by a selective agent on certain individuals within the population that results in the change of allelic frequencies in the next generation
Measures of how well an individual or population is adapted to a specific ecological niche as seen in her reproductive rates
Directional selection
A type of natural selection characterized by a generation after generation shift in a population in a specific direction such as towards larger body size
Stabilizing selection
A type of natural selection characterized by generation after generation shift in a population in the direction of the average individual such as towards average body size
Disruptive selection
A type of natural selection characterized by a generation after generation shift in the population away from the original
Red blood cell, that lacks nucleus and contain red pigment hemoglobin.
Protein in red blood cells that Carrie oxygen to and carbon dioxide from body tissues
Hemoglobin A
Normal adult hemoglobin whose goblin unit consists of two alpha and two beta chains
Hemoglobin S
An abnormal variant of hemoglobin A that differs from the latter in having a single amino acid substitution on the beta chain
Sickle cell anemia
Disorder in individuals homozygous for hemoglobin S in which red blood cells will develop into rigid, misshapen forms that clog capillaries, resulting in anemia
Sickle cell trait
The condition of being heterozygous for hemoglobin A and S, yet the individual shows no abnormal symptoms
Sexual selection
Selection that favors characteristics that increase reproductive success, usually due to make competition or female mate choice
Inter sexual selection
A form of sexual selection, selection for traits that make males more attractive to females
Intrasexual selection
A form of sexual selection. Selections for characteristics that make males better able to compete with one another for sexual access to females
Sexual dimorphism
Differences in structure between males and females of the same species
Evolutionary psychology
The study of the role of biology and natural selection in human behavior
Behavior characterized by self sacrifice that being it’s others
Kin selection
A process whereby an individuals genes are selected for by virtue of that individuals increasing the chances that his/her kind genes are propagated into the next generation
Inclusive fitness
An individual own fitness plus his or her effect on the fitness of any relative
Coefficient of relatedness
A measurement of the degree of genetic relationship or the number of shared genes between two individuals
Local breeding populations, the smallest reproductive populations
Clinical distribution
A distribution of frequencies that show a systematic graduation over space, also called continuos variation
Interfertile groups within a species that can display significant Differentiation among themselves
Geographical isolation
Form of reproductive isolation in which members of a population becomes separated from another population through geographical barriers that prevent the interchange of genes between the separated populations
Evolutionary process that is set to occur when 2 previous subspecies of the same species are no longer capable of successful interbreeding they are than two different species
Allopatric species
Species occupying mutually exclusive geographical areas
Ecological isolation
Form reproductive isolation in which two closely related species are separated by what is often slight differences and niches they occupy
Seasonal isolation
Form of reproductive isolation in which the breeding seasons of two closely related populations do not correspond
Sexual isolation
Form of reproductive isolation in which one or both sexes of a species initiate made in behavior that does not act as a stimulus to the opposite sex of a closely related species
Mechanical isolation
Reproductive isolation occurs because of an incompatibility with structure of the male and female sex organs
Premating mechanism
Form of reproductive isolation that prevents mating from occurring
Postmating mechanism
Any form my reproductive isolation that occurs after mating
Gametic mortality
Form of reproductive isolation in which sperm or immobilized and destroyed before for the fertilization can take place
Zygotic mortality
Form of reproductive isolation in which fertilization occurs but development stop soon after
Hybrid inviability
Form of reproductive isolation in which mating between two species gives rise to a hybrid that is fertile but nevertheless does not leave any offspring
Hybrid sterility
Former reproductive isolation in which a hybrid of two species a sterile
Specialized species
A species closely fitted to a specific niche and able to tolerate little change in that niche
Generalize species
Species that can survive in a variety of ecological niches
Phyletic gradualism
The idea that evolution is a slow process with gradual transformation of one population into another
Punctuated equilibrium
A model of evolution characterized by an uneven tempo of change
The situation in which a new structure or behavior that evolved in one niche is by chance also suited in some cases better suited to a new niche
Adaptive radiation
The evolution of a single population into a number of different species
The disappearance of the population