Chapter 5: Models to explain learning Part 2 Flashcards
What is reinforcement?
Occurs when a stimulus strengthens or increases the frequency or likelihood of a response that it follows.
What is a reinforcer?
Any stimulus (event or action) that subsequently strengthens or increases the likelihood of the response (behaviour) that it follows.
What is a positive reinforcer? Give an example:
A stimulus which strengthens a response by providing a pleasant or satisfying consequence.
Eg. Being given money for doing homework
What is positive reinforcement?
Involves giving or applying a positive reinforcer after the desired response has been made.
What is a negative reinforcer? Give an example:
A stimulus that strengthens a response by the reduction, removal or prevention of an unpleasant stimulus.
Eg. Taking panadol to relieve a headache
What is negative reinforcement?
Involves the removal of an unpleasant stimulus.
What is the difference between positive an negative reinforcement and what is a similarity between them?
- Positive reinforcement adds + consequences, whereas, negative reinforcement takes away - consequences.
- Both strengthen a response
What is a punisher?
An unpleasant stimulus that when paired with a response weakens the response or decreases the rate of responding over time.
What is punishment?
The delivery of an unpleasant consequence following a response, or the removal of a pleasant consequence following a response.
What is positive punishment? Give an example:
The delivery of a stimulus following an undesirable response, which thereby decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again.
Eg. Having to do chores for swearing
What is negative punishment (response cost)? Give an example:
The removal of a stimulus following an undesired response, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a response occurring again.
Eg. Getting a 0 for submitting a SAC late
What does response cost involve? Give an example:
The removal of any stimulus, whether or not it causes the behaviour.
Eg. The response cost for being rude to a teacher might be a loss of valued lunchtime through detention
When does stimulus generalisation occur in relation to OC?
When the correct response is made to another stimulus which is similar to the stimulus for which reinforcement is obtained.
What does stimulus discrimination occur in relation to OC?
When an organism makes the correct response to a stimulus for which reinforcement is obtained but not for any other similar stimulus.
List 3 factors which effect reinforcement:
- Order of presentation
- Timing
- Appropriateness of the reinforcer
How does the order of presentation effect reinforcement?
Reinforcement needs to occur after the desired response, but not before, so that the organism associates the reinforcement with the behaviour.
How does timing effect reinforcement?
Reinforcers need to occur as close in time to the desired response as possible, where the most effective reinforcement occurs immediately after the desired response.
How does the appropriateness of the reinforcer effect reinforcement?
For a stimulus to be a reinforcer it must provide a pleasing or satisfying consequence for its recipient.
List the 3 key processes in operant conditioning:
- Acquisition
- Extinction
- Spontaneous recovery
What is acquisition in relation to OC?
The overall learning process in which a response or pattern is established through reinforcement.
What is extinction in relation to OC?
The gradual decrease in the strength or rate of responding after a period of non-reinforcement until reinforcement is terminated.
What is spontaneous recovery in relation to OC?
The response is (after a rest period) again shown in the absence of reinforcement, but is likely to be weaker and short lived.
What is the behaviour phase of the 3 phase model of OC? Give an example:
The voluntary behaviour that occurs in the presence of the discriminative stimulus.
-What happens
Eg. Getting out of bed once your alarm goes off
What is the consequence phase of the 3 phase model of OC? Give an example:
The event that occurs immediately after the event and determines whether the behaviour will be repeated.
-What happens after
Eg. Getting ready for the day after your alarm goes off and you get out of bed
What is the antecedent phase of the 3 phase model of OC? Give an example:
The stimulus (object or event) that precedes a particular response.
-What happened before
Eg. Alarm going off in the morning
Describe the 3 phase model of operant conditioning:
- Antecedent: Organism is placed in a situation (environment) - conditions are right
- Behaviour: Organism produces a behaviour
- Consequence (reinforcement or punishment): There is a consequence for this behaviour which determines future behaviour.