Chapter 5 - Macroevolution Flashcards
In Biology,the ordering of organisms into categories, such as orders, families, and genera, to show evolutionary relationships.
The phylum of the animal kingdom that includes vertebrates.
Animals with segmented, bony spinal columns; includes fishes, amphibians, reptiles (including birds), and mammals.
Similarities between organisms based on descent from a common ancestor.
Similarities between organisms based strictly on common function, with no assumed common evolutionary descent.
(homo, meaning “same,” and plasy, meaning “growth”) The separate evolutionary development of similar characteristics in different groups of organisms.
evolutionary systematics
A traditional approach to classification (and evolutionary interpretation) in which pre- sumed ancestors and descendants are traced in time by analysis of homologous characters.
An approach to classification that attempts to make rigorous evolutionary interpretations based solely on analysis of certain types of homolo- gous characters (those considered to be derived characters).
Referring to characters inherited by a group of organisms from a remote ancestor and thus not diagnostic of groups (lineages) that diverged after the character first appeared; also called primitive.
A group of organisms sharing a common ancestor. The group includes the common ancestor and all descendants.
Referring to characters that are modified from the ancestral condition and thus diagnostic of particular evolutionary lineages.
shared derived
Relating to specific character traits shared in common between two life-forms and considered the most useful type of characteristic for making evolutionary interpretations.
phylogenetic tree
A chart showing evolutionary relationships as determined by evolutionary systematics. It contains a time component and implies ancestor–descendant relationships.
A chart showing evolutionary relationships as determined by cladistic analysis. It’s based solely on interpretation of shared derived charac- ters. It contains no time component and does not imply ancestor-descendant relationships.
biological species concept
A depiction of species as groups of individuals capable of fertile interbreeding but reproductively isolated from other such groups.