Chapter 5: Listening Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
a stimulus happens 1st which leads to a behavior
What is an unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that automatically gives a response (food)
What is an unconditioned reflex
involuntary response (salivate)
What is a conditioned stimulus
starts neutral; pairs with unconditioned stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus (bell)
What is conditioned reflex
learned behavior ( salivating to the bell)
What is stimulus generalization
respond to any similar stimulus
What is a stimulus discrimination
can only respond to conditioned stimulus
what is operant conditioning
a behavior happens which leads to consequences
what is extinction
stop a behavior by no longer pairing the US and CS
what is consequences
reinforcement; trying to increase that they do it again
what is punishment
stops from happening again
What is primary reinforcement
inherently rewarding; not taught; hobbies
What is secondary reinforcement
learned reinforcements
what is positive
What is negative
What is positive reinforcement
give to reward (candy)
What is negative reinforcement
take something away to reward ( no chores)
what is punishment by application
positive; give (chores)
What is punishment by removal
negative; take away (Take phone away)
what is shaping
reward successive behaviors, end goal, reward baby steps and never go backwards
what is learned helplessness
punished over and over
What is fixed interval
set amount of time ( weekly allowance)
what is variable interval
average amount of time (random bonuses)
what is fixes ratio
set number of responses/behaviors (every 3rd time)
what is variable ratio
average number of responses ( keep doing it and you know you will get rewarded at some point)
what is an example of a primary reinforcement
in Pavlov’s study, salivating when presented with food is an example of what
in the famous little Albert study, Watson conditioned little Albert to be fearful of white, soft, fluffy objects by clanging on a metal pipe to create a loud sound whenever alert was presented with that type of object. what was alberts response
fear and crying
the schedule of reinforcement that has the longest lasting effect is the
variable ratio schedule
a paycheck every 2 weeks is an example of which schedule or reinforcement
fixed interval
in pavlov’s classical conditioning example, if his dog salivated when they heard any type of tone/bell this would be an example of what
stimulus generalization
taking a teenager’s phone for a month because they disobeyed their parents phone usage rule would be an example of what
negative punishment
rewarding smaller behaviors that are leading a person/animal to the ultimate desired end behavior is called what
not having to take a final exam because you have an A average in a course is an example of what
negative reinforcement
to extinguish a classically conditioned response one should do the following
stop following the US with the CS