Chapter 5 - Key Terms Flashcards
Labelling Perspectives
is defined as?
A way of understanding deviant behaviour as something that is not a way of behaving but is, instead, the way a behaviour is labelled. This perspective argued that what constitutes deviant behaviour changes over time, so what is important is who has the power to label a behaviour as deviant and what the implications of such a label are.
Is defined as?
A term used by Robert Merton to refer to acceptance of cultural goals and the legitimate or approved means of achieving them.
is defined as?
A recognized violation of cultural norms.
Social Order
Is defined as?
A set of linked social institutions, social structures, and social practices that maintain and enforce “normal” ways of relating and behaving .
Youth Culture
Is defined as?
A culture explained either by factors in the experience of adolescence or by the manipulation of young people’s spending and leisure through advertising and other mass media. The functional separation of home, school, and work supposedly makes teenagers increasingly distinct from adults and subject to peer-group influence rather than parent and other adult influences.
Is defined as?
This concept may be considered the foundation of symbolic interactionism. It highlights the reflective and reflexive ability of human beings to take themselves as objects of their own thoughts.
Is defined as?
A term used by Erving Goffman to mean a powerfully negative label that radically changes a person’s self-concept and social identity.
Is defined as?
A sociological approach that seeks to reveal how human awareness is implicated in the production of social actions, social institutions, and social worlds.
Is defined as?
A sociological theory developed by Harold Garfinkel that roughly translates into the study of people’s practices or methods. This micro-perspective views the world as something that people must build and rebuild constantly in their thoughts and actions.
Symbolic Interactionism
Is defined as?
A sociological perspective that stresses the way societies are created through the interaction of individuals. George H. Mead (1863-1931), a founder of symbolic interactionism, saw interaction as creating and recreating the patterns and structures that bring society to life.
Is defined as?
To represent ideal types by images, forms, or models. Also refers to any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else.
Is defined as?
A method for measuring crime involving the distribution of detailed questionnaires to a sample of people, asking them if they have committed a crime during a particular period of time.
Cultural Criminology
Is defined as?
A criminological perspective that focuses on issues of image, meaning, and representation in the interplay of crime and crime control. In particular, this perspective explores the stylized frameworks and experiential relationship of deviant subculture, the symbolic criminalization of popular culture forms, and the mediated construction of crime and crime control issues.
Is defined as?
The study of the categories or an inventory of things that exist or may exist in a specific domain. Each special science is said to have its own ontology. In sociology, for example, the ontology included people, institutions, relations, norms, practices, structures, and roles, depending on the theory under consideration.
Primary Deviance
Is defined as?
A term used by Erving Goffman to represent actions that contradict the norms of a group of society but are relatively mild and would not affect a person’s self-concept. Primary deviance is any general deviance before the perpetrator is labelled a deviant.