Chapter 5: Groups & Networks Flashcards
What is (Sociometry)?
The study of groups and their structures
What is the correlation between social groups and society?
Social groups are the building blocks of society, & social interaction
What are the four basic functions that a society provides for its members, at least to a degree?
1) Reproduction
2) Sustenance
3) Protection
4) Shelter
What is the difference between a (Dyad and Triad)?
A (Dyad) is a group of two versus a (Triad) which is a group of three
What is the fundamental distinction for most social relations?
Whether the group consists of a dyad or a triad
What is the major difference between a dyad and a triad?
A triad holds (Supra-Individual Powers), what this means is that if one person is fed up with the group and leaves, the group will still carry on without that individual, thus the group is not dependent on any one individual
What are some of the characteristics of a triad?
1) In a triad secrets do exist, eg if someone eats the last piece of cake and it wasn’t you there R 2 other people that could have eaten it
2) Politics come into play when you have more than two members now you must deal with a bunch of different ideals and you must get them to come around to your way of thinking
According 2 Simmel what political role does a third person in a dyad fill?
1) Mediator: A person that tries to resolve a conflict between the other two members, sometimes brought in for just that purpose alone, eg marriage counselor
2) Tertius Gaudens or The Third That Rejoices: The person benefits from conflict between the other two members, the opposite of mediator, eg A marriage counselor that has an anterior motive, in other words they are not necessarily trying to solve the problem out right they are trying to keep some tension so that they can keep getting paid, thus they have multiple roles
3) Divide et Impera or Divide & Conquer: This person intentionally drives a wedge between the other two of the triad, eg A couple gets divorced, & the mother gets remarried, the child purposely tries to drive a wedge between the mother and the new stepfather
What happens as the numbers in a group increases geometrically?
As the numbers increase geometrically the possible relationships that exist within the group increase exponentially, eg 2+1=3, 3+1=4, etc vs 2+2=4, 4+4=8, etc, eg a two-person group only has one possible and necessary relationship, thus it must exist in order for there to be a group, in a triad there are three possible relationships, but when you get two or four people in a group there is six possible relationships
What is the difference between a (Small Group a Party and a Large Group)?
1) Small Groups: Consist of 4 factors, 1) must be face to face interaction, thus all members must be present at one time and interacting with each other, 2) there is one center of attention at any given time and the members usually take turns while talking, eg of (Unifocal) a classroom, but a classroom is not a small group 3) there is no formal arrangement or role, this is the reason why a classroom is not a small group because a classroom has a teacher that plays a role, & 4) everyone in a small group is equal, thus no one person can dissolve the group like in a dyad
2) Parties: A party like a small group display face-to-face interaction but it is (Multifocal) not (Unifocal) in other words there can be groups that split up among the party that are talking about different subjects or topics, two groups talking about different subjects is (Bifocal) more than two groups would be multifocal
3) Large Groups: A large group has a formal structure, where there is a clear authority figure, a.k.a. a classroom, thus the only thing that differentiates a large from a small group is a formal structure a.k.a. an authority figure
While there is some equality in a small group what is the only group that has true equality, & why?
A dyad is the only group that has true equality because each member has the ability to dissolve the group by leaving this makes a dyad unique
What is the difference between (Primary and Secondary) groups, what can happen to people in a primary and secondary group?
According to Cooley,
1) Primary Group: A limited social group consisting of family or friends, face-to-face interaction, although in the case of a family member or best friend that moves away the relationship still exists, those involved in a primary relationship can influence the attitudes, & beliefs of the other members, & primary groups are key to one’s socialization, loyalty is important, & primary group members cannot be replaced, lastly primary relationship usually last forever and is the end as opposed to a means to the end
2) Secondary groups R less personal, you may not know everybody in your secondary group, more formal, thus titles might be used, eg one’s place of work, where the purpose of the group serves as (a means to an end), aka they provide something you need and vice versa
Sometimes the line between the two can be blurred
What is (Social Capital)?
The power and influence that allows one 2 enter into or gain power of a pre-existing network
What is a (Tie) as far as a social network goes?
It’s a set of stories that explains our relationship with other members of a particular network
What is the best type of tie for a community?
Embedded ties are best for communities, eg neighborhood watch, preventing crime, etc.
Explain the concept of (Embeddedness)?
It has to do with the ties found in a social network, & how they R reinforced through indirect paths, thus the more embedded a tie the stronger it is, aka the more indirect paths you make with someone the stronger the relationship will be, the reason for this is the relationship is harder to it escape, eg even if you stop being friends with this particular person because of the indirect paths that connect U, you will still be connected in someway to this person
What happens when communal ties start to fade?
Civic and religious participation in the community starts to fade and a lack of trust and support for those in the community fades as well
What is a (non-base place connection) or form of social network
MySpace, ,Facebook YouTube, twitter, etc, R all examples of social networking that has taken the place of face-to-face networking, or community ties
What R (Strength of Weak Ties), & what R they good for?
While the name invokes something that is weak in many cases they turn out to be strong connections made by people that are not in your primary group, they are good in the fact that just because they didn’t come from a person in one’s primary group, doesn’t prevent them from being strong, thus providing new or valuable information or opportunities, eg job-search, house hunting, etc.
What is an (Organization), what is the difference between formal and informal organization?
Any social network, eg GM, Girl Scouts, secret societies, etc. that has a common purpose and has boundaries between its members and the rest of the social world, formal organizations have structure and rules, eg military, whereas informal organizations do not
What does the study of organizations look to uncover?
It looks to study the social factors, & how they influence the structure of an organization as well as the people of that organization
What is the (Organizational Culture) mean?
It’s the shared belief and behavior by those in an organization, aka corporate culture
What does the term (Organizational Structure) mean, why is it important?
It refers to the way in which power and authority is distributed throughout the organization, it’s important because an organizational structure often correlates what its culture
What are (Interlocking Directorates)?
They are a Board of Directors that set on different company’s Board of Directors
We know that networking can be helpful but how can it be constraining also?
Through a process known as (Isomorphism), which forces one unit of a population to resemble similar units of a population if they face the same environmental conditions, eg A bank that wants to be more leisurely and make it easy to pass out funds for a small business owners will eventually end up more like your traditional bank where it is more difficult for a small business owner to get a loan
Explain the term (Institutionalism)?
It’s how sociologist use the sociological lens to look at institutions, vs and economic view of institutions
What do sociologist believe is the reason for eg that all airlines raise or lower their price at the same time?
It’s based on isomorphism, thus these airlines R influenced by other airlines to behave in a similar manner to them
What are some of the characteristics of a dyad
1) It’s the most intimate form of social dynamics because each member depends on the other
2) There are no secrets when it comes to a dyadic group, if something happens and you know you didn’t do it then the other person did it
3) In a dyad there is shared power while one may be a bit more powerful than the other when in a dyad both parties realize that the group dissolves if one person leaves
4) When in a dyad you are less likely to be influenced by group dynamics, that usually takes place in a group consisting of three or more members a.k.a. a triad
What must be the case for a dyad to be a true dyad?
The two parties must consent to be part of the dyad, thus they cannot be forced to be in a group together in order to be a true dad
What do we say to those who believe modernization has affected our communal ties?
While modern entities like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, has affect our communal ties it does not necessarily mean that they are lost forever or that it’s a bad thing
As far as social networks go what is a (Structural Hole)?
A gap between network clusters, often leading to a dead end connection