Chapter 3: Culture, & Media Flashcards
What R (Symbols)?
Anything that carries a certain meaning that’s recognized by people who share a culture
What is (Culture), & what R some elements of a culture?
A group of people that share certain aspects of life, eg, they think, & act alike, they share values, traditions, symbols, object, etc, & they pass this down 2 next gen, thus (Culture is a Shared way of Life), culture is not the (Natural Environment), some elements of a culture R its (Symbols, Language Norms, Values), etc
What is (Language)?
A system of symbols that allow humans 2 communicate
What is the root word of (Culture)?
To (Cultivate) which suggest that people that live together grow their way of life over time
Explain the 2 types of culture?
1) Material Culture: Is everything created by members of a society, eg. our (Physical Environment) including technology, eg. Bunker Hill, Monument, Mona Lisa, I-pads, etc
2) Nonmaterial Culture: Ideas, concepts, etc started by members of society, eg. values, beliefs, social norms, etc
What happened that caused Europeans 2 change the meaning of the word (Culture)?
As Europeans came in more & more contact with people that were different, they changed the word (Culture) 2 mean one group of people as being better than other groups of people, usually non Europeans, they changed it again to mean the (Pursuit of Intellectual Refinement)
How does culture influence us?
culture is (Learned), thus it’s woven into their (Ideologies) of the world, & remember ideologies R what we use 2 make sense of the world, cultures also shapes our (Values), aka moral beliefs, it’s a difficult concept 2 understand because U don’t notice it until your out of your culture, & in another’s culture
What is (Ethnocentrism), what can this type of thinking lead 2?
The belief that one’s culture or group is superior 2 all other, thus one looks at other cultures from the perspective of their own culture, can lead 2 superior culture treating lesser culture like animals, eg justification 4 slavery
What must we remember about culture?
While another’s culture may look strange 2 us, we must remember our culture just because we R use 2 it doesn’t make it right, thus our culture looks just as strange 2 them
What is the difference between (High, & Low or Pop) culture?
High culture is opera, paintings by great artist, gulf, etc, pop or low culture is graffiti art, hip hop, boxing, etc
Explain (Culture Shock)?
The (Perplexed) feeling one has when they R exposed 2 a new culture
What is (Cultural Relativism)?
Excepting another’s culture 4 what it is good, bad, or indifferent, it’s not up 2 us 2 pass judgement or assign value, we should base their culture on their standards, & not ours, that said (Cultural Relativism) does have its limits, eg. We should never forego our (Values)
What is the outcome of adhering 2 (Cultural Relativism)?
It helps us increase our knowledge of the rest of the world, because we R open not closed 2 learning about others
What is (Cultural Script)?
Types of behavior or understandings that R not universal or natural, eg. people should wait until their married before sex, etc thus our cultural script shapes the way we perceive events, situations, etc
What is Geertz’s definition of culture?
A system of inherited (Ideas, beliefs, opinions, etc) expressed in symbolic forms used 2 communicate, preserve, & develop their knowledge, & attitudes toward life, eg. in U. S. it’s baseball, in Bali it’s cockfighting, etc. one is no better than other
What R (Subcultures), & why do we study them?
Groups within a larger society that share unique values or behavior, what unites subcultures is the way they R viewed by rest of society, which is usually as vulgar or deviant, this stereotype causes society 2 sometimes marginalized them
What is (Ideology)?
A system of (Concepts, & Relationships), or a type of (Nonmaterial Culture)
What R (Values), what happens 2 them over time?
(Culturally Defined Standards), aka our moral beliefs, values change over time
What R (Norms), what can happen if norms R not followed?
Rules, & expectations of (Expectable/Normal) behavior, norms like values change over time, they can be (Ostracized), aka excluded from society or group
What is (Socialization)?
Our internalization of societies’ norms, values, beliefs, etc, this allows us 2 function in our society
What R the 2 types of norms?
Folkway: Norms that influences everyday social life, but R not that serious if violated a folkway, eg not dressing appropriately 4 a formal event is violating a folkway, not dressing at all violates a norm
Mores: Norms that if violated they R taken very seriously, eg incest, child porn, etc
What is (Media), what was the first form of mass media?
Any format/vehicle that carries/presents or communicates info, the book
What is (Reflection Theory)?
The belief that one is the product of their, thus they r a (Reflection) of their culture, eg if they R an artist that grew up in a bad area, they might draw the horrors that make up their culture, because that’s all they know
What impact has media had on society?
From 1950-1963 households with TV went from 2 to 92%, thus for the first time vast majorities saw war, & discrimination this caused many 2 become active to combat both as well as other causes
What is (Hegemony), & where does it take place?
It’s when the majority of a society use their moral influence 2 elicit (Voluntary Consent) from the masses, thus people R content with the (Status Quo), this is contrast 2 (Domination) which is forcing other 2 do what U want them 2 do, hegemony takes place in (Private Institutions), while domination takes place at the state level
Explain (Textual Analysis) in regards 2 a media concept?
It’s the analysis of the content of all forms of media, eg, how often R blacks cast as criminal, drug dealers, etc, we R not passive when taking in media, thus we interpret, perceive, & R influenced by it
What R some of the invisible forces that influence media?
Biases, everyone has them, while some in charge of programming may try 2 contain them some seeps through
What is the difference between (short vs long) term & (intended vs unintended) (Media Influence)?
1) Short Term Intended: (Advertising), eg commercial, which must be shown often 2 influence,
2) Long Term Intended: A (PSA), or a single theme about something that is repeated over & over again, usual goal is 2 educate public, eg, smokey the bear, etc, shown often but not as often as commercials
3) Short Term Unintended: Eg, kids play violent video game or listen to hard core music that promotes killing, then goes out and mimics what they’ve seen or heard
4) Long Term Unintended: The belief that we have become 2 (Desensitized) 2 violence & sex related material in the media, thus some R looking 4 more control over content
How can one help facilitate change quicker?
By having a well thought out media strategy that helps shape public opinion
What is the major way that media effect content?
The fact that 90% of media is owned by only 6 companies, means they have a large say in the message we hear via media
How is the internet helping people get their message out?
Anyone can put up a website 2 express their views, but U still need money if U want 2 be on a sidebar of Google or other big sites
Describe (Consumerism), what helps play a role in consumerism?
The concept that constantly purchasing material things will lead 2 happiness, media & advertising
What R some modern ways that big name companies R reaching children?
Via exclusive rights with placing their brand in school cafeteria, athletic fields, etc, these brands more often found in lower income schools where funding 4 upkeep is harder 2 come by, the logic is these kids may not have all the accessories rich kids have, but at the very least they might get the latest Madden game, these R known as (Symbolic Purchases), & they make parents feel they R part of consumer culture, yet middle & upper middle downplay their consumerism, saying they R not (Materialistic), known as (Symbolic Deprivation), which is when kids have a lot of stuff, yet parents say no every once in a while then claim victory
What is (Culture Jamming)?
It’s when U turn media against itself, 4 example when U spoof a popular commercial campaign, like joe camel, calling him joe chemo
Explain America’s (Soft Power) 2 influence the globe?
It America’s ability 2 influence culturally other parts of the globe with some of its biggest name brands, eg Burger King, McDonald, etc, thus we persuade not force cultures 2 change, if hostilities break out people may stop buying product, especially if they think U.S. Is involved
What R 3 of the limitations of the (Reflection Theory)?
1) Does not explain staying power or lack thereof of certain cultural products
2) Does not explain why same products change their meaning over time
3) It buys the belief that media has no impact or sway over culture & society
What field of study did sociology start in?