Chapter 5 - Grant el al Flashcards
What type of data collected?
- Primary data
- Qualitative from short test answers
- Quantitive data from multiple choice answers
What was the aim of this study?
To investigate “context-Dependent memory effects” on both recall and recognition.
What did participants have to do in this study?
Participants had to read a two page article and were tested on recall which was operationalised by a short answer recall test, and recognition was operationalised by using a multiple choice test
what was the participants role in the study?
8 psychology students were used to recruit 5 acquaintances each.
What happened to 1 of the 40 students who took part?
data from one male in the silent study-silent test was discarded as his score was significantly low
how many of each gender (of 40 participants) took part?
23 males , 17 females
What were the test conditions?
Silent Study - Silent Test
Silent Study - Noisy Test
Noisy Study - Noisy Test
Noisy Study - Silent Test
What sound was played in the noisy conditions?
The noise was a recording of lunchtime in a university cafeteria
What did the participants have to read?
A two page article on psychoimmunology
What was the control when taking the tests?
The recall test was taken first to ensure that any information being recalled was from the reading of the text, not from the multiple choice test.
How were the participants allocated to their conditions?
Each experimenter randomly allocated one of their five participants to each of the 4 conditions with the fifth participant being randomly allocated to a condition by the lead researcher.
how long was the break between the break and study period?
2 minutes
What was the mean number of correct answers in the silent test and silent study (short answer test?)
6.7 (out of 10)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the silent test and noisy study (short answer test?)
5.4 (out of 10)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the noisy test and silent study (short answer test?)
4.6 (out of 10)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the noisy test and noisy study *short answer test?)
6.2 (out of 10)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the silent test and silent study Multiple choice test?
14.3 (out of 16)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the silent test and noisy study Multiple choice test?
12.7 (out of 16)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the noisy test and silent study Multiple choice test?
12.7 (out of 16)
What was the mean number of correct answers in the noisy test and noisy study Multiple choice test?
14.3 (out of 16)
What was the conclusions of this study?
- That there is context dependency effects for newly learned material
- Best performance was achieved when study and taking place in environments that have the same level of noise.