Chapter 5 first step to mental freedom Flashcards
What shows ones subconscious programming?
And all of those things are one big old ——-
Words, thoughts, actions, feelings, emotions.
People are living a story that was written by their…
Parents, society and advertising companies
You can reach the core of issue, very very quickly while in..
Instead of thinking about what u don’t want, think about already having what u do want. A great question to ask is..
How do u want to feel and what habit(s) do u want instead?
The truth is that ———-
Everything else is a lie. All lies
It’s a lie that we are too fat, skinny, rich or poor.
“We are perfect”
Your perfection is buried…
Under layers of conditioning.
You are not to blame for your programming but u are…
Responsible for getting rid of them.
Your childlike essence is not erased over time… it just gets….
Perfect life purpose is…
Be kind to everyone u meet..and do what brings u joy. Act on your highest excitement.
Most self help books stop at the level of action. None are entering the subconscious mind to clean and reprogram. They are just telling u to ground in nature, meditate or recite affirmations. It’s ..
No where near enough
Knowing more and more about our problems is futile if u don’t know how to…
Change the root of the issue.
What is the weed seeds analogy?
If bad habits are weeds, knowledge is like throwing seeds on top of weeds.
With hypnosis we remove the weeds first, then plant the seeds.
Taking responsibility is …
Taking complete ownership of yourself. Taking your power not giving others the power to upset u, control u.
When u blame others u are telling the world and your SC that u are…
Powerless. That u have zero power.
You need power to change but your existing habit is to give your power away.
You have the choice to give away your power or to become more powerful by …
Taken responsibility for your power.
What am I creating? and are my actions in alignment with what’s necessary to create the perfect world.
Are you creating conflict or peace,wealth or lack?
Meditation is hard, exercise is hard, you know had it hard?
Workers who built the transcontinental railroad by hand in the 1860s
Building a rail road by hand is hard. Pluggin in headphones and
Closing our eyes for 20 mins a day is not
Blame and judgement is at all time high… it means that powerlessness
Is at an all time high