Chapter 5 - Diving Related Disorders Flashcards
What are the different types of tissue?
Blood Nerves Organs Muscles Bone Cartilage Fat
What are fast tissues?
Blood and tissues with good blood supply because they absorb and release nitrogen quickly
What are slow tissues?
Fat, cartilage and bone that take longer to absorb and release nitrogen
What is the absorption and release of nitrogen known as?
On gassing - absorb
Off gassing - release
What are the symptoms of DCI?
Dizzy Loss of balance and coordination Rashes and itches Joint aches Collapse Loss of sensation and motor control
When do DCI symptoms mostly occur?
After the diver has surfaced - less than an hour (50%) within 6 hours (90%)
What are the two principal components to the descriptive term used?
Evolution - progression of the illness
Manifestation - the signs and symptoms noted
Acute (evolution) (manifestation) decompression illness
What is progressive evolution?
The severity of the signs and symptoms is increasing
What is static evolution?
Neither the number or severity of the signs and symptoms increases
What is spontaneously improving evolution?
Certain signs and symptoms may improve without recompression treatment
What is relapsing evolution?
Cases where they spontaneously improved may undergo a secondary deterioration
What is pain only manifestations?
Limb pain - joints most common
Girdle pain - poorly localised aching or constricting feeling in the abdomen, pelvis or chest
What is a neurological manifestation?
Loss of memory, seizures, loss of coordination and balance, loss of strength and loss of sensation etc
What is nystagmus?
The rapid uncontrolled movement of the eyes, the pupils appear to tremble and wobble
What is the neurological manifestation of the spinal cord?
Pins and needles
Muscular weakness
Paraplegia - paralysis
What is an audio vestibular manifestation?
Barotrauma and tissue injury may be involved
Symptoms are... Vertigo Tinnitus Nystagmus Hearing loss Loss of balance Severe nausea
What is a pulmonary manifestation?
May be caused by nitrogen bubbles released into the blood or by lung over pressurisation
What is a cutaneous manifestation?
Severe itching around the shoulders that develops into a rash then mottling or marbling of the skin
What is a lymphatic manifestation?
Lymph nodes may become enlarged and tender - may be associated with oedema (excess fluid in body tissues)
The skin feels thick and may have a the pitted appearance of orange peel
What is a constitutional manifestation?
Non specific signs and symptoms that occur after diving eg. Headache Fatigue Malaise Anorexia (loss of appetite)
How many types of pulmonary decompression illness are there?
What is pulmonary DCI - Venous gas embolism?
Micro bubbles are formed in the venous system. Under a controlled ascent they are trapped in the lung fields and dissolve.
When the ascent isn’t controlled, masses of bubbles may be formed causing cardio-pulmonary consequences
What are the symptoms of Venous gas embolism?
Chest pain Cough Haemoptysis Shortness of breath Cyanosis Shock
What is pulmonary DCI air embolism?
Caused by excess pressure. It allows air to leak through the alveolar wall into the blood stream. The air bubbles can be lodged anywhere within the human body.
What are some of the signs and symptoms of air embolism?
Giddiness Numbness Paralysis Visual disturbances Respiratory problems Heart failure Death
What is pulmonary DCI pneumothorax?
Caused by air escaping the alveoli and getting trapped in the pleural cavity cause a collapsed lung.
What is the most serious form of pneumothorax?
Tension pneumothorax where the size of the collapsed lung increases in size with each breath.
What are the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax?
Pain on respiration Shortness of breath Cyanosis Displacement of the trachea Frothy blood from mouth or nose
What is pulmonary DCI emphysema?
Air migrates to other parts of the body. In diving it usually moves towards the chest and neck area
What are the three different types of emphysema?
Mediastinal - air trapped in the chest
Subcutaneous - air trapped below the skin
Interstitial - air trapped in and around tissues
What are the signs and symptoms of emphysema?
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty breathing
A swollen neck
A change in voice tone
What is the first aid for DCI?
- Diver kept still - lying down and warm
- Fluids administered at a rate of >1 litre per hour
- 100% oxygen
- Primary assessment conducted
- Immediate transportation to a recompression chamber