Chapter 5: Consequential Moral Principles Flashcards
morality based on results/outcomes of behaviors
consequential theories
acting in self-interest, at expense of others: the ONLY GOOD is our own personal interests! (best option for long-term consequences)
ethics as the greater good: the aim of producing the greatest good for the greatest number
right thing to do is the ACTION that produces great possible good for greatest possible number
act utilitarian (jeremy bentham)
right thing to do is to FOLLOW RULES that promote greatest possible good
rule utilitarian (john stewart mil)
ability to act unselfishly & act from concern for others
the theory that people are inherently selfish
psychological egoism
view that people ought to be selfish or self interested
ethical egoism
theory of phenomenon in the moral world (good vs evil)
ethical theories
how we should act in any situation
fundamental prinicple
one thing that is fundamentally + morally good: pleasure, feeling good is what’s morally good
hedonistic ultilitarianism
trying to balance happiness + unhappiness on scale of -10 to +10 (created by action)
net utility
identify ethical decision, consider actions, consider people affected, determine net utility, choose option with highest net utility
applying ACT utilitarianism
list options + moral rules, estimate net utility to determine what produces most happiness, eliminate rules with negative net utility, evaluate remaining options, choose what promotes most social happiness
applying RULE utilitarianism
focus on other characteristics when making moral judgement (laws of nature, commandments) note: actions are good/bad regardless of outcome example: lying=wrong bc it violates ethical principles, not bc it has bad consequences.
nonconsequential theories
focus on character of person vs the action itself *be the right kind of person, so you’ll do the right thing! (socrates, plato, aristotle all believed in these)
virtue ethics
this theory emphasizes conduct based on perceived order inherent to the universe
natural ethics
like the golden rule, but virtues balanced on moderation between too little or too much (extreme: cowardice, virtue: courage, extreme excess: foolhardiness)
the golden mean