Chapter 5: Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Middle and thickest of the three layers of the heart
Valve of heart located between LF atrium and LT ventricle
Mitral valve
Oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs into LF atrium by the
Pulmonary veins
Name for a group of fibers located within the interventricular septum that carry an electircal impulse to ensure the sequence of heart contractions is the
Bundle of His
Structures form low-pressure collecting system to return poor-ocygen blood to the heart known as
Pressure occurs when ventricles are relaxed and is the lowest pressure against artery walls is called
Diastolic pressure
Straw-colored fluid contains nutrients, clotting proteins, hormones, and waste products is called
Most common type of white blood cells are
Heart valve controls opening between RT atrium and RT ventircle
Triscupid valve
Component of heart consists of specialized cardiac muscle tissue that constantly contracts and relaxes
Action of which structure within the walls of the ventricles causes the heart’s ventricles to contract
Purkinje fibers
Best describes diastolic pressure
Occurs as the ventricles of heart to relax
Smallest blood vessels in body
Best describes pulmonary circulation?
Blood flow between the heart and lungs
Which structure is the sac that contains the heart
Medical condition whcih there is insufficient supply of oxygen in tissue due to restricted blood flow to a part of the body
Medical term for heart attack
Myocardial Infarction
Condition in which there is stiffening, thickening, or blockage of one or more valves of heart
Valvular stenosis
Benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels is known as
Most common type of tachycardia is
Atrial fibrillation
Substance carries unneeded cholesterol back to liver for processing is AKA good cholesteol is called
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol
A thrombus is
A blood clot attached to the interior wall of an artery or vein
Severe episodes of chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium is
Chronic condition which the heart is unable to pump out all of the blood that it recieves is called
Heart failure
Large vessels carry blood away from heart to all regions of the body are known as
Only place in the body where veins carry oxygenated blood is
Into the left atrium
Medication reduces workload of heart by slowing rate of heartbeat is
Natural pacemaker of a heart is called the
Sinoatrial node
Coumadin, brand name for warfarin, is a type of
Phase of cardiac cycle where ventricles contract while pumping blood into aorta and pulmonary artery is known as
Cardiac arrhythmia where the heart muscles quivers ineffectively and is the cause of many sudden cardiac deaths is called
Ventricular fibrillation
Specialized conductive fibers located within the walls of ventricles
Purkinje Fibers
Congenital or acquired arrhythmia caused by the electrical signal moving theough the heart being partially or completely blocked from reaching ventricles is described as
Episode of very rapid and regular heartbeats that originate at or above the AV node
Supraventricular tachycardia
Highest pressure against artery walls occur when ventricles contract
Diagnostic procedure produces images of structures of blood vessels and blood flow theough these vessels
Duplex ultrasound
Tomi is taking calcium-channel blocker to treat his hypertension. What does this medication do?
Relaxes his heart and blood vessels
Drug lowers high blood pressure
Use of low voltage electrical shock to restore normal heart rhythm in a non-emergency situation is known as
Synchronized cardioversion
Abnormal protrusion of heart valve results inability of valve to close completely
Mitral valve prolapse
Medication prescribed to prevent or relieve pain of angina by dilating blood vessels to the heart is
Damage to heart musclebfrom blood clot in coronary artery
Coronary thrombosis
How does a vasoconstrictor work
Causes blood vessels to narrow
Abnormal blowing or clicking sound in heart
Heart murmur
Medication blocks action of enzyme that causes blood vessels to contract, resulting in hypertension
ACE inhibitor
Intermittent episodes of skin in the affected areas turning white or blue associated with numbness
Raynaud’s disease
Role of capillaries
Deliver oxygen to cells and tissues
Consists epithelial tissue and is the inner lining of heart
Lower two chambers of heart
Describe hypoperfusion
Deficiency of blood passing through organ or body part
Describe temporal arteritis
Inflammation of temporal arteries supplying blood to head and brain
Low blood pressure occurs upon standing up is known as
Orthostatic hypotension
Battery-powered device attached externally or implanted under skin to regular heartbeat is a
Radiographic test provide image of specific veins after injection of a contrast dye is known as
Surgical removal of lining of portion of artery leading to brain that is clogged with plaque is known as
Carotid endarterectomy
Event which heart abruptly stops beating or developing an arrhythmia that prevents it from pumping blood effectively is called
Cardiac arrest