Chapter 5 Flashcards
Which statement about identifying potential outcomes is MOST
accurate? (209)
A. Because each container release is unique, it is impossible to
predict how an incident may progress.
B. Site hazards such as weather and topography are irrelevant
when it comes to identifying potential outcomes.
C. The material and chemical properties that hazards exhbit upon
release do NOT influence how a container will behave when
damaged or ruptured.
D. When first responders collect information about the physical and
chemical properties of released hazardous materials, they can
estimate potential harms
The first step in mitigating or solving any hazmat incident is: (209)
A. determining needed decontamination and establishing the
decontamination line.
B. distinguishing the available types of PPE and determining which
is most appropriate to use.
C. understanding the problem within the framework of incident
priorities, IMS, and predetermined procedures.
D. effectively communicating with media and any national or
federal organizations that may be able to lend assistance
Which of the following is NOT a common element of any hazmat
incident, as stated by the General Hazardous Materials Behavior
Model (GEBMO)? (212)
A. Multiple agencies and jurisdictions are affected
B. Container or containers that have failed or have the potential to
C. Exposure or potential exposure to people, the environment,
and/or property
D. Material or materials presenting hazards to people, the
environment, or property
What is the first step in the sequence proposed by the General
Hazardous Materials Behavior Model (GEBMO)? (212)
A. Stress
B. Release
C. Exposure
D. Dispersion
A container making noises from expansion or contraction may
indicate that the container has been exposed to _____ energy.
A. thermal
B. chemical
C. mechanical
D. radiological
Visible corrosion, or other degradation of a container, may indicate
that a container is undergoing _____ energy. (214)
A. thermal
B. chemical
C. mechanical
D. radiological
Collision, impact, or internal overpressure are common causes of
damage to a container caused by _____ energy. (214)
A. thermal
B. chemical
C. mechanical
D. radiological
Which type of container breach has been documented as causing a BLEVE? (217) A. Puncture B. Split or tear C. Runaway cracking D. Broken attachments
Which statement about container release is MOST accurate? (218)
A. Container releases always occur rapidly and violently.
B. Generally, large amounts of stored energy result in a more rapid
C. The duration of a detonation is measured in seconds or
D. A spill or leak is the immediate release of chemical or
mechanical energy caused by runaway cracks
What type of container release is characterized by a fast release of
pressurized hazardous material through properly operating safety
devices? (218)
A. Spill/leak
B. Detonation
C. Rapid relief
D. Violent rupture
The dispersion of materials is sometimes referred to as: (219) A. BLEVE. B. engulfment. C. disintegration. D. dispersion pattern
What type of dispersion pattern forms an irregularly shaped pattern
of an airborne hazardous material where wind and/or topography
influence the downrange course from the point of release? (220)
A. Cloud
B. Plume
C. Particulate
D. Hemispheric
Computer software programs such as CAMEO and AHOLA can be
used to: (222)
A. model dispersion patterns.
B. determine the origin of the container.
C. predict ruptures from mechanical stress.
D. make notifications downwind of a container release
What categories should be considered as exposures when conducting
a hazard and risk assessment after a container releases its contents?
A. Air, water supply, ground
B. People, environment, property
C. Commercial, residential, public structures
D. First responders, residents, other victims
A short-term contact or impingement is one that takes place over: (225) A. milliseconds or seconds. B. minutes or hours. C. days, weeks, or months. D. years or generations
The three mechanisms of harm in a container hazardous materials
incident are: (225)
A. energy release, corrosivity, and toxicity.
B. radioactivity, pressure, and temperature.
C. dispersion patterns, rapid release, and detonation.
D. wind speed, barometric pressure, and time of day
If an incident involves a pressure container, any product released is
likely to be a gas or: (225)
A. minute particles that pose a respiratory hazard.
B. a radioactive material that emits ionizing radiation.
C. a solid or semi-solid that is likely to violently rupture or
D. a liquid that rapidly evaporates and expands into a gas or
Which of the following BEST describes a unit of pressure relative to the surrounding atmosphere? (226) A. kJ B. kPa C. psig D. Atmospheres
Which of the following statements about pressure containers is the
MOST accurate? (226)
A. Pressure containers carry solids.
B. Pressure containers are not subject to chemical or mechanical
C. Pressure containers are subject to stress when holding
D. Hazmat incidents involving pressure containers are NOT
dangerous to emergency responders
If a cryogenic container loses its vacuum, the product will: (231)
A. cool rapidly and may blow the rupture disc/relief valve.
B. heat rapidly and may blow the rupture disc/relief valve.
C. undergo a chemical reaction and release a plume cloud.
D. sound an alarm for 20 seconds before violently rupturing
While streams and pools are common dispersion patterns for
container breaches involving liquids, many liquids also: (233)
A. spontaneously combust.
B. release vapors that act like gases.
C. remain under pressure once released.
D. freeze upon contact with the atmosphere
How are solids containers MOST likely to be damaged? (233) A. Entropy B. Rapid release C. Thermal stressors D. Mechanical stressors
You are called to a facility incident and see several large, free-
standing spherical tanks. These containers are MOST likely to be:
A. part of a pipeline.
B. pressure bulk facility storage tanks.
C. nonpressure bulk facility storage tanks.
D. openings to an underground storage facility/tank
A leak from a bulk cryogenic liquid tank is MOST likely to: (235) A. BLEVE. B. sublimate. C. be very hot. D. pool close to the ground
At an incident involving a low pressure bulk facility storage tank, the priority is: (236) A. finding victims. B. cooling the tank. C. eliminating ignition sources. D. calling the facility owner for backup
The interior of an empty nonpressure/atmosphere storage tank should be treated as a: (237) A. safe shelter. B. confined space. C. nonhazardous space. D. good place to perform decon
Visual clues to the presence of underground tanks include: (240) A. pipeline placards. B. vents and fill points. C. an airport within 10 miles (15 km). D. leftover wood construction materials
A highway vehicle without a placard: (241)
A. is illegal.
B. may still be carrying hazardous materials.
C. will NOT be carrying hazardous materials.
D. should be stopped and inspected for terrorist activity
Cargo tank specification and name plates provide information about
the: (241)
A. driver’s qualifications.
B. specific hazardous material in the container.
C. standards to which container/tank was built.
D. health risks posed by the hazardous material
What is a nonspec tank? (242)
A. A shipping tank from the European Union
B. A tank that cannot carry hazardous materials
C. An international shipping container used in long distance sea
D. A tank not constructed to meet one of the common MC or
DOT/TC specifications
MC-331 cargo tanks typically have bolted manways, inlet and outlet
valves, and: (243)
A. multiple compartments.
B. black, heat absorbing paint.
C. large hemispherical heads on both ends.
D. large bulky double shelling and heavy insulation
MC-338 cryogenic tank trucks typically have relief valves and: (245)
A. multiple compartments.
B. black, heat absorbing paint.
C. large hemispherical heads on both ends.
D. large bulky double shelling and heavy insulation
Rounded or horseshoe-shaped ends are features associated with which type of tank trucks? (246) A. Cyrogenic B. Intermodal C. Nonpressure D. Low pressure
Which cargo tank truck almost always carries flammable/
combustible liquids such as gasoline, fuel oil, or alcohol? (247)
A. Cryogenic
B. Nonpressure
C. Low pressure
D. High pressure
Which of the following is a hazard with incidents involving a corrosive
liquids tank truck? (249)
A. The contents can cause severe cold burns.
B. Very small particles released in a breach are an inhalation
C. The ionizing radiation emitted can cause long term effects such
as cancer.
D. The contents can damage tools and equipment, including
firefighter protective clothing
Individual steel cylinders stacked and mounted together are MOST likely to be: (250) A. dry bulk cargo trailers. B. low pressure cargo tanks. C. corrosive liquid tank trucks. D. compressed gas/tube trailers
Which statement about dry bulk cargo trailers is MOST accurate?
A. They are always pressurized.
B. They are never under pressure.
C. Pockets of high pressure may be found inside the trailer.
D. Low pressures may be used to discharge or transfer the
The bulk of hazardous materials transported by rail are carried in: (252) A. tank cars. B. ton containers. C. intermodal tanks. D. dry bulk cargo trailers
The fittings for pressure tank cars are typically: (253)
A. tucked away under the tank.
B. only accessible from the engine room.
C. found at both the front and the rear of the tank.
D. out of sight under the single protective housings on top of the
Per the ERG, the initial isolation zone for a pressure tank car involved in fire is: (254) A. 30 feet (10 m). B. 1/3 mile (500 m). C. 1 mile (1.6 km). D. 2 miles (3 km)
Cryogenic liquid tank cars protect the contents from temperatures for how long? (255) A. 30 days B. 3 weeks C. 3 months D. Indefinitely
Trains transporting multiple low pressure tank cars containing Class 3 products may be called: (257) A. Densely Packed Trains (DPT). B. Multiple Cargo Tank Cars (MCTC). C. High-Hazard Corrosive Trains (HHCT). D. High-Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT)
Hopper cars, boxcars, and gondolas are types of: (259) A. cryogenic liquid tanks. B. pressure intermodal tanks. C. miscellaneous railroad cars. D. corrosive liquid tank trucks
The volume of a railroad tank car can be found via the: (261) A. capacity stencil. B. reporting marks. C. specification marking. D. manufacturers’ marks
Which statement about intermodal containers is MOST accurate?
A. Intermodal containers do not carry cryogenic materials.
B. Intermodal shipping papers are highly regulated and always
C. Intermodal tank containers generally have a cylinder shape that
is open at one end.
D. You may not be able to determine by the shape of the container
whether it contains hazardous materials
What type of tank is an IMO Type 5 tank container? (268) A. Pressure intermodal B. Specialized intermodal C. Nonpressure intermodal D. Low pressure intermodal
What is the most common intermodal tank used in transportation? (269) A. Pressure B. Cryogenic C. Specialized D. Low pressure
Both cryogenic liquid tank containers and dry bulk intermodal
containers are types of _____ intermodal tanks: (269)
A. specialized
B. low pressure
C. high pressure
D. nonhazardous
Where are reporting marks generally found on intermodal tanks and containers? (271) A. On the top B. On every available surface C. On the left-hand side as you face it D. On the right-hand side as you face
Which of the following is MOST likely to be stored in a ton container? (271-272) A. Gasoline B. Chlorine C. Fertilizer D. Plastic pellets
What is the pressure on a Y ton container? (273) A. 14.5 psi (100 kPa) B. 25.4 psi (175 kPa) C. They are nonpressurized. D. It depends on the product
What is the term for packaging that is used to transport materials
that have limited radioactivity, such as natural thorium? (273)
A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Excepted
D. Industrial
Radiopharmaceuticals are shipped in what type of packaging? (274) A. Type A B. Type B C. Excepted D. Industrial
Which statement about pipelines is MOST accurate? (275)
A. Pipelines are always buried.
B. Hydrocarbons are often comingled in pipelines.
C. Each pipeline can carry only one type of product.
D. Pipeline operators are not required to provide information to
emergency responders
What type of containers are flexible, collapsible bags or sacks, and
also called bulk bags, bulk sacks, or tote bags? (278)
C. Liquid
D. Nonbulk
What is a carboy? (280)
A. A flat-ended or convex-ended cylindrical packaging
B. A large glass or plastic bottle that may be encased in a basket
or box
C. A pressure vessel designed for pressures higher than 40 psi
(276 kPa)
D. Flexible packaging made of paper, plastic film, textiles or similar
What type of nonbulk packaging is a nonpressurized, insulated
container that has a vacuum space between the outer shell and inner
vessel? (281)
A. Drum
B. Jerrican
C. Cylinder
D. Dewar flask