Chapter 5 Flashcards
Normal blood volumes for male/female
Male = 5-6 L Female = 4-5 L
Formed elements of blood
45% of blood vol
- Platelets
Functions of the blood
- Transport O2 and CO2 to lungs
- Transports nutrients and waste products
- Transports processed molecules from A to B
- Form clots
- Maintain body temp
- Regulate pH and osmosis
- Transport regulatory hormones and enzymes
- Protect against foreign substance
- Transports O2 to lungs
- Transports CO2 from tissue to lung
- 120 lifespan
- Normal value for adult = 4.2
% in relation to total blood vol
male 45%
female 42%
neonate 45-60%
*low hematocrit = anemic
Major component of RBC
- Hemoglobin
- O2 from lungs to tissue
- CO2 tissue to lungs
- 4 O2 per hemoglobin
- Protect against invading microorganisms
- Granulocytes
- Neutroplils 65%
- Eosinophils (line respiratory tract, kill parasites) 2-5%
- Basophils (histamine and heparin) 0.5-1%
- Agranulocytes
- Lymphocytes (immune attack response) 25%
- Monocytes 4-8%
- largest of WBCs
*normal: 5000-9000 cells/mm3
over 9000 = infection (Leukocytosis)
less than 5000 = leukopenia
Normal: 250,000-500,000 mm3
Prevent loss by:
- Seal holes in small blood vessels
- form blood clots
*less than normal = have to apply pressure longer
Anatomical structure of the heart
- Hollow, 4 chambers, muscular
- Atria and ventricles
- Between mediastinum
- Chambers:
- Valves: Tricuspid, Bicuspid (mitral), Aortic semilunar, pulmonary semilunar
- Layers: Epicardium (visceral), Myocardium, Endocardium
- Pericardium: anchors heart to vessels, prevents heart from overfilling
- Parietal layer
- Visceral layer
- Serous layer
- Fibrous layer
How blood flows through the heart
- From aorta by means of arteries
- left coronary artery
- right coronary artery
- Left divides into
- circumflex branch
- anterior inter ventricular branch
Arterial/venous blood flow of the heart
Venous system parallels coronary arteries
-venous blood from anterior side empties into great cardiac veins
-venous blood from posterior portion is collected
What are baroreceptors
- Stretch receptors
- Walls of carotid arteries and aorta/aortic notch (pressoreceptors)
- Measure amount of pressure in vessels as blood flows through
- Regulate arterial bp by reflex adjustments to changes in bp
- arterial bp decreases baroreceptor reflex causes the following to increase:
- HR
- myocardial force of contraction
- arterial/venous constriction
- Net result
- increase C.O. (normal 5 L)
- increase in total peripheral resistance
- return of bp to normal
Mean arterial pressure
MAP = SBP + (DBP x 2) / 3
normal = 80 to 100 decreased MAP (60) = bad perfusion
normal = 5 L/min neonate = 1/2 L/min
SV or HR increase, bp increase
SV or HR decrease, bp decrease
Normal anatomical shunt
- Great cardiac vein/middle cardiac vein
- Dumps into right atrium and a little goes into left ventricle
- Thesbin
3 things that affect the distribution of pulmonary blood flow
- Gravity
- blood is gravity-dependent, moves to portions closest to ground (erect, supine, lateral, upside down) - C.O.
3 zones model
PA > Pa > Pv zone 1 (apex)
Pa > PA > Pv zone 2 (middle)
Pa > Pv > PA zone 3 (base)
3 things that determine C.O.
- Ventricular preload = VEDP and VEDV
- Ventricular after load
- Myocardial contractility
- increase or decrease C.O. increase or decrease
- force generated by myocardium when ventricular muscle fibers shorten
- positive inotropism increase contractility
- negative inotropism decrease contractility
- how much blood can fill the heart before contraction
- end diastolic; more preload more C.O.
- Results in higher myocardial contractility
- force that ventricles have to pump against
- reflected by systolic bp
Vascular resistance
Resistance = MAP / CO