Chapter 5 Flashcards
Extrusive igneous rocks
lava and other volcanic products that have been forced onto Earth’s surface
Intrusive igneous rocks
magma that has been crystallized within the crust without being exposed to the cool temperatures of the atmosphere and shallow crust
intrusive rocks that occur at great depths within the crust or mantle
Partial melting
occurs when some minerals melt while others remain solid
Bowen’s reaction series
process in which magma evolves to a new chemical state that is relatively enriched in silica as a result of fractionally crystallizing ions, magnesium, and calcium-rich compounds
a contraction of magnesium and feric
a contraction of feldspar and silica
fine grained rocks
coarse grained intrusive rocks
a rock with two distinct textures mixed with large and small grains
Magma differentiation
as magma migrates into and through the crust, its composition changes
granite is an active intruder of continental crust, forming dikes (arms of intrusive rock) that cut across other rocks in the crust
the only ultra mafic igneous rock composed of the ferromagnesian silicate mineral olivine and proxyene
granites that solidify in great magma chambers and form large intrusive structure
occur from individual bodies that intrude localized parts of the crust to massive units that form the cores of mountain ranges