Chapter 5&6 Quiz Flashcards
Explain the importance of rectally expelling all the barium after the examination feces are light in color until the barium is expelled eventual absorption of fecal water may cause a hardened barium impaction and patients should be instructed to increase their fluid intake to help expel the barium thus preventing constipation or blockage
Upper GI study nursing interventions
Visualizes the esophagus stomach and do a denim for routine screening as well as in large veins
EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
Strictures narrowing and obstructions
Helicobacter pylori
The patient should maintain MPS status after midnight obtain informed consent the patient usually is given a pre-procedure of these sedate of such as midazolam and the patient’s pharynx is anesthesis by spraying it with lidocaine hydrochloride after the procedure the patient will not be allowed to eat or drink until gag regs returns by placing a tongue blade in the back of the fairings I’m on to the patient’s vital signs and oxygen saturation after the procedure and assessor any signs and symptoms of perforation
Nursing interventions for EGD
Is an acid perfusion test it is an attempt to reproduce the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux
Barium test
If the patient suffers pain with the installation of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus the test it’s positive and indicates this
Reflex esophagitis
my occur on the lips the oral cavity the tongue and the pharynx the tonsils are occasionally involved and most of these tumors are squamous cells epithelioma that grow rapidly and metastalize to adjacent structures more quickly than do most malignant tumors of the skin
Oral cancer
These are what firmly attached patches on the mouth and tongue mucosa
Provide alternative methods for communication and radiation therapy results in disarthria provide information to the patient family to help with difficult decisions related to surgery radiation or chemotherapy and provide support to the patient and family
Oral cancer nursing interventions
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Is a backward flow of stomach acid up into the esophagus symptoms usually include burning and pressure beyond the sternum often described by patients as heartburn
Eat 4-6 small meals a day follow a low-fat protein diet reduce intake of chocolate tea and other food beverages that contain caffeine limit or eliminate alcohol intake eat slowly and two food thoroughly and avoid eating snacking and do not eat for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime and remain upright for 1 to 2 hours after eating when possible and never eaten bed avoid any food that directly produces heartburn and reduce overall body weight if needed
Dietary instructions for gerd
Peptic ulcers disease
This is alterations of the mucous membranes are deeper structures of the GI tract
Provide verbal and written instructions on exact dosage in time intervals for medications and other medications is taken with or without food have a dietitian provide instructions on therapeutic diet explain that repeat episodes are not uncommon listing carefully for aggravating factors it says patients level of knowledge regarding food and other irritants to mucousal lining teach preventive measures such as quitting smoking explain the need for small and frequent meals caution patient to avoid high fiber foods sugar salt caffeine alcohol and milk remind patient to take place between meals not with meals explain the need to eat slowly and chew food well the scheduling points of adequate rest and exercise
Pud nursing interventions