Chapter 5 Flashcards
ask … out …
invite (usually a person of the opposite sex) to go with one (usually to a dinner, dance, party, movie, etc.)
bring … up …
propose, suggest
bump into
meet by chance (similar to but less formal than run into and run across)
call … up …
call on the telephone
come over
come, come to one’s home (or office, etc.)
drop in
come to visit briefly (often without first calling or writing)
(= stop by, look in on)
find … out …
discover, learn
get along
live as friends, be firmly with one another, agree in many opinions and attitudes
do (one’s work, etc.) well enough, manage, succeed fairly well
get together
come tighter as a pair or as a group, meet (usually informally)
look in on …
come to see, come to visit briefly
make up
become friends again, end a quarrel
(make … up … : take or do (exam, paper, etc.) that one has missed
put … off …
delay doing, postpone, avoid doing
put up with
acet (a situation that one does not like), tolerate, bear patiently
run across
happen to find or meet (similar as run into, bump into)
run into
happen to find or meet (similar as run across)
show off
display boastfully (one’s good qualities, appearance, ability, etc.), make show of
show up
come, appear, arrive (often when not expected)
stop by
come to visit briefly (often without calling or writing) (=drop in, look in on)
take … away …
steal, deprive (someone) of (something), remove
take … out …
take (often someone of the opposite sex) to a meal or other social occasion
team up
work together (often followed by with)
turn … down …
refuse, decline, not accept (an invitation)
wait for
stay until (someone) comes, await or expect (someone or something)
wait on
serve, try to fill the needs of (a customer) (also: wait upon)
walk out on
go away from, desert, leave, part company with (informal)
warm up to
become friendly toward, have good feelings about (informal)