Chapter 14 Flashcards
Blurt … out
Say something very suddenly and perhaps without thinking
Break … in
Interrupt, speak before someone else has finished
Break in on
Interrupt (what someone else is saying or doing)
Break … off
End, stop before final decisions are reached, break off
Butt in
Interrupt, speak before someone else has finished, speak or act in someone else’s affairs (informal)
Chime in
Add something (usually in agreeing) to what has just been said
Cry out
Exclaim, speak or yell in pain or excitement
Go on and on
Continue (speaking or something else) for a long time
Shout … down
Shout so that someone else cannot be heard
Speak about …
Talk concerning, mention (= speak off)
Speak for
Talk in favour of
Speak of
Talk concerning, make mention of (=speak about)
Speak out
Say publicly (frankly, boldly) what one believes
Talk back to
Answer (especially in a disrespectful or contradictory manner)
Talk down to
Talk to (another person) as an inferior
Talk on and on
Talk for a long time
Talk … out of
Persuade (someone) not to do something (requires two objects)
Talk … up
Speak in favour of, praise, urge that (something be donE)
Tell … on
Tell (someone) about a bad action of (someone else) (often takes two objects)
Think of
Remember, bring to one’s mind
Touch on
Mention, say a little about, discuss very briefly