Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is the analysis of an area to determine the effect that the terrain features have on probable military operations by either of the opposing forces? (Page 5-3)
Terrain appreciation
What is the average weather over an extended period of time called? (Page 5-3)
What is the percentage of water vapor in the air? (Page 5-3)
What is the depositing of moisture from the atmosphere upon the surface of the earth expressed in kind and amount? (Page 5-3)
What consists of the physical aspects of the aspects of the surface of the earth? (Page 5-4)
What is the term given to the differing areas of elevation and depression on the surface of the earth? (Page 5-4)
Tanks cannot climb slopes greater than how many degrees? (Page 5-4)
What is defined as the ability of a soil in its normal state to support vehicular traffic moving cross-country or on unimproved roads and trails? (Page 5-5)
What is any locality or area that provides the possessor a marked advantage over the enemy? (Page 5-5)
Key terrain
Long-range observation is that which provides observation in excess of the effective range of small-arms fire (usually over how many meters)? (Page 5-6)
What are areas into which weapons can be fired effectively? (Page 5-6)
Fields of fire
What is shelter protection from enemy fire? (Page 5-6)
What is protection from observation called? (Page 5-7)
What are obstructions that stop or divert troop movement? (Page 5-7)
What is a terrain feature or combination of features that offer a maneuvering unit a suitable route of movement to their objective? (Page 5-7)
Avenue of approach
What type of map portrays terrain and landforms in a measurable form as well as the horizontal positions of the features represented? (Page 5-9)
What type of map presents only the horizontal positions for the features represented? (Page 5-9)
What type of map is a reproduction of an aerial photograph upon which grid lines, marginal data, place names, route numbers, important elevations, boundaries, and approximate scale and direction have been added? (Page 5-9)
What is a map on which the photographic imagery of a standard photomap has been converted into interpretable colors and symbols? (Page 5-9)
What are great circles of north-south rings crossing the equator at right angles and converging at the North and South Poles? (Page 5- 10)
What are military maps divided into to provide a uniform system for referencing and making measurements? (Page 5-10)
What is a reference from which vertical measurements are taken? (Page 5-12)
Datum plane
What is defined as the height (vertical distance) of an object above or below a datum plane? (Page 5-12)
What is the representation of the shape and height of landforms and the characterization of the surface of the earth? (Page 5-12)
What is a line representing an imaginary line on the ground along which all points are at the same elevation? (Page 5-12)
Contour line
What is a course of a stream that has at least a limited extent of reasonably level ground bordered on the sides by higher ground? (Page 5-15)
What is a less developed course of a stream in which there is essentially no level ground and, therefore, little or no maneuvering room within its confines? (Page 5-15)
What is a short, continuously sloping line of higher ground normally jutting out from the side of a ridge? (Page 5-16)
What is the rate of rise or fall of a landform known as? (Page 5- 16)
What is the most commonly used unit of angular measure? (Page 5-19)
What is a line from any position on the surface of the earth to the North Pole? (Page 5-19)
True north
What is the most commonly used and simplest instrument for measuring directions and angles in the field? (Page 5-22)
Lensatic compass
Compasses with more than how many degrees of variation should not be used? (Page 5-23)
What is the most common military method of expressing a direction? (Page 5-27)
What is defined as a horizontal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north base line? (Page 5-27)
What is the center of the protractor circle from which all the direction lines radiate? (Page 5-29)
Index mark
What is the locating of an unknown point by successively occupying at least two, but preferably three, known positions and sighting on the unknown point called? (Page 5-32)
What is the locating of an unknown position of the user by sighting on two or three known features called? (Page 5-35)