Chapter 5 Flashcards
The State is defined
has a territorial home
A stable population
a government to which the population has allegiance
Is recognized diplomatically by other states
A Nation is Defined
Group of people who share a group of characteristics:
─ Common language, history, ethnicity, customs
What is power?
The ability to not only influence others but also to control outcomes, producing results that would not have occurred
Power Potential Depends On:
Natural resources ─ Oil ─ Mineral deposits (gold, silver, bauxite) ─ Geographic size and position ─ Proximity to sea ─ Temperate zone ─ Population ─ Size ─ Level of skills ─ Age
Tangible Sources of Power
Industrial development
Level of infrastructure
Economic diversification
Characteristics of military
Positive sanctions
sanctions—offers a reward for moving in desired direction
Negative sanctions
sanctions—threaten or take actions that punish state for undesirable move
threat or use of force to get target state to do something or undo an act already undertaken
threatening or actually punishing a target state if it takes an undesired action
How do different theories explain the process through which foreign policies get made at the state level?
State as single decision maker
─ Rational
─ State as composed of multiple actors
─ Debate and negotiation
growing integration of world in terms of economics, politics, communications, culture
Transnational crime
illicit activities made easier by globalization
Transnational movements
religious or ideological movements; believers united by wanting to change states and society
Ethnonational movements
national subgroups have demands; some want autonomy, others want separation
Transnational Crime
Illegal drugs ─ Counterfeit goods ─ Laundered money ─ Smuggled weapons ─ Trafficking in people and body parts