Chapter 5 Flashcards
confirmation bias
the phenomenon whereby a few cases of the expected behaviour confirm the belief, especially when the behaviour is attention-getting or widely reported
a technique of analysis, that emphasized raising awareness of social and political issues through small-group discussion of everyday issues and experiences
difference feminism
(in contrast to liberal feminism which emphasizes the equality or sameness of men and women) this focuses on the differences between men and women, calling for a valuation of women’s distinct traits and abilities, and in some cases, focusing on separation from the world and values of men.
first-wave feminism
Social movement that lasted from approx. 1850 to the end of the WWI. While first-wave feminism emphasized women’s legal status and eventually suffrage, first-wave activists took on many social issues.
gender divisions
According to Joan Acker, these are the ways in which ‘ordinary organizational practices produce the gender patterning of jobs, wages, and hierarchies, power and subordination.
A structure governing the behaviour of individuals and ensuring the society’s smooth functioning.
Though institutions are ever changing, they have a permanence or longevity that exceeds that of the individual.
lesbian feminism
a social movement within 1970s feminism that contributed a critique of heterosexuality as an institution and, in some cases, advocated lesbianism or separatism as a political option.
liberal feminism
a form of feminism focusing on legal remedies for inequality between men and women and creating the most GENDER-NEUTRAL SOCIETY possible.
Marxist and Socialist feminism
these forms of feminism are united by their emphasis on material conditions as a critical component of gender oppression.
Marxists feminisms, however, tend to view the eradication of capitalism as the way to create gender equality, while socialist feminisms have criticized Marxists for their too-rigid focus on economic oppression.
mid-life crisis
In middle-aged men (and some women), a developmental ‘crisis’ characterized by pressure to make wholesale changes in their work, relationships and leisure
multiracial/ethnic feminisms
Emerged in the 70s as part of a critique of racism and Eurocentrism within the second-wave feminism movement.
Not only have multiracial feminisms contributed to a critique of mainstream feminism, but they have also given insights on racism, social location and identity as contributors to the status of women.
narrative coherence
“A story that hangs together”. Its application to human life-story telling comes from narrative theory, which argues that the making of stories is fundamental to human cognitive processes.
organizational gender neutrality
The vehicle by which the gender order is reproduced. This covers up, obscures, the underlying gender structure, allowing practices that perpetuate it to continue even as efforts to reduce gender inequality are also underway.
primary sex characteristics
sex characteristics present at birth
radical feminism
a form of feminism that sees women’s unequal status as rooted in patriarchy, and particularly in its control over the bodies and sexuality of women.
second-wave feminism
a social movement and body of theory that developed after WWII, particularly in Western industrialized societies in the 60s. The movement`s greatest impact and vitality can be traced to the 70s.
secondary sex characteristics
sex characteristics that develop at puberty, and are less decisive than primary sex characteristics.
social constructionism
The theoretical orientation that sees the expression and organization of gender not as the outcome of biology, but as the result of historical and cultural change, the socialization of individuals, and the continuous interplay between gendered individuals, and gendered institutions.
Views nature as much more malleable and variable than biological determinism.
A discipline within the social sciences that studies social structures and relations.
third-wave feminism
Emerged in the 1990s. Critiques what it sees as the universalizing tendencies of second-wave feminism and incorporates the insights of post modern, post colonial, and multiracial feminisms. It also insists on a positive view of sexuality.