Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is the difference between sex and gender?
What is gender identity?
What is gender expression?
What is gender socialization? Give examples to show how parents, siblings, schools and other institutions influence gender identity. Which ones do you think have the most influence? Why?
What is a non-binary approach to raising children? Why might parents choose not to emphasize the gender of their children? What is the historical context of gender identifying infants in the US?
How have attitudes towards transgender and intersex people changed over time and between cultures?
Contrast feminist, biological, and symbolic interactionist theories of gender. How do they explain the real or perceived differences between gender?
How does religion influence gender equality within families?
What are education and occupational segregation? What causes gender segregation at work and school? What are the consequences for men and women?
What is the relationship between occupational gender segregation and workers pay and the prestige of the job? What explanations do researchers have for these gaps?