Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is a nuclear family?
What is monogamy?
What is polygamy?
What is patriarchy?
What is matrilineal descent?
What is coverture?
What is patrilineal descent?
What are extended families?
What is a stem family?
What are separate spheres?
What is courtship?
What is a companionship family?
What is a companionate marriage?
What is a family wage?
What is the baby boom?
What are the prehistoric origins of family life?
Compare the relationship between men, women and children in American Indian families, colonial families, and enslaved African families prior to 1820?
How did married life change during the nineteenth century?
How was family life disrupted for many African Americans, Latinos, and the Chinese in the nineteenth century?
How is the companionship family different from the patriarchal family? What led to the emergence of the companionship family in the twentieth century?
Why was there a baby boom in the middle of the twentieth century?
Beginning in the 1960s why did family patterns depart so dramatically from the 1950s ideal?
What factors led to the decline in the number of married couples in the late twentieth century?
How have relationships between parents and children changed since the 1960s?