CHAPTER 5 Flashcards
It is a photographic factor that also affects the visibility of recorded detail.
Radiographic contrast
It is the degree of difference between adjacent densities
The ability to distinguish between densities enables differences in ___________ to be visualized
Anatomic tissues
An image that has SUFFICIENT density, but no differences intensity would appear as a ___________
Homogeneous object
The appearance of homogeneous object would indicate that the ABSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS of the objects are ___________
It is produced when the x-ray beam has sufficient be penetrated the tissue
Diagnostic image
The penetrability of the primary x-ray beam is controlled by ___________
It is the controlling factor for contrast on an image
So it is the original graphic must determine when considering the amount amount of contrast on an image for the most appropriate for the anatomy to be image
Short or long scale of gray
The number of densities from black to white on a radiographic image is an indication of the ___________
Range of the scale of contrast
It describe the number of different densities between black and white on the image
Long – scale and short - scale
The choice of _____________ will NOT affect radiographic contrast
mAs or SID
Low KVP examinations penetrate fewer thickness and have only a few steps between black and white and so produce _____________
Short-scale contrast images
When the primary beam penetrate through tissue with adjacent densities, which have a great differences in contrast, the image is described as
High contrast
A short scale contrast image has fewer steps between black and white, and it is a _____________ image
High contrast image
Low KVP examination produce _____________ contrast images
So this is the preferred scale of contrast with imaging bone anatomy
Short scale contrast images
A zebra is a great example of _____________ because it has black and white stripes
High contrast
Imaging the abdomen requires a _____________ scale of gray
This image will have a fewer differences in contrast Because the differences between adjacent densities are small. And this is referred to as a
Long – scale contrast image
Which has many steps between black and white and is a low contrast image
Long – scale contrast image
Using _____________ will produce more shades of Grey, which will allow for better visualization of abdomen anatomy
higher KVP
I herd of elephants is an excellent example of a _____________ scale
Long gray scale
It is made up of the total amount of contrast acquired from both the subject contrast and film contrast
Radiographic contrast
It is the difference in OD between different areas on the film
Film contrast
It describes the different amounts of exit radiation through different parts parts of the body
Subject contrast
Is the primary controlling factor for a radiographic contrast?
Is the range of densities the film capable of recording?
Film contrast
Film contrast is represented as the _____________
Slope of the characteristic curve
Four factors with effect film contrast are
1) intensifying screens
2) film density
3) characteristic curve
4) processing
It creates a higher contrast image due to the exposure of light to the film
Intensify screens (IS)
Film density is changed when there is a change in the _____________
Film contrast
There is an _____________ of densities for each film, which allows maximum visualization
Optimum range of densities
Images which have too much or two little densities demonstrate a _____________ in contrast
Densities which fall in the toe or shoulder portion, decrease the contrast on the image. the slope of the characteristic curves also affects _____________
As the slope becomes steeper, the range of the diagnostic densities become COMPRESSED and the contrast is _____________
Various _____________ factors will affect the amount of contrast on the film
Processing factors
Increasing the amount of time, the film is in the developer, the developer temperature or developer replenishment rate will _____________ the amount of chemical fog on the image