Chapter 5 Flashcards
What does religion do in socialization?
Influences and reinforces ideas in morality
What is gender socialization?
Specific messages and practices concerning traits of men/women in society
What is racial socialization?
Aspect of socialization that contains messages/practives concerning nature of race/ethnicity
What is self-concept?
Totality of beliefs/feelings about self
What is the looking glass self?
How our self perception is changed by how other people see us
What is role playing?
Walking a mile in someone’s shoes
What are significant other’s?
People whose care, affection, and approval are especially desired
What is the role of peer groups in adolescense?
Peer grou[ps too influential, peer pressure
Who are your peers in adulthood?
Friends, colleagues, parents
Who do you compare yourself to in middle age?
People on social media
What is a wsocial strucutre?
Complex network of social institutions and social practices that make up a society to organize and place limits on behavior (beyond individual control)
What are the macrosociological components of social structure?
culture, social class, status,
What is Ascripted social status?
Inherited (race, gender, class of origin)
What is achieved status?
Status you earn through efforts (graduating, etc)
What factors determine soial class?
Education, income, prestige?
What is a status symbol?
Something that shows status to others, EG wedding ring
What are status patterns?
Correlated statuses (things we associate with old vs new $)
What is a role?
Patterns of behavior attached to statuses
What are role expectations?
Expected beavior patterns
What is role performance?
How well we perform our roles
What is role ambiguity?
WHen rules/role expectations aren’t clear
What is role conflict
When 2 statuses come into conflict (student vs employee)
What is role strain?
When a role has conflicting expectations
What is role exit?
Expectiations for when and how to leave a status
What is a group?
2+ people who interact frequently and share common identity and interdependence
What is a primary group?
Close friends and family
What is a secondary group?
Purposeful, large impersonal group
What is social solidarity?
How well society/group members identify with each other
What is a social network?
Series of relationships that link individuals together (acquaintances, ride or die)
What is a formal organization?
Has formal rules and procedures
What is a social institution?
Has organized beliefs and establishes how a society will attempt to meet its basic needs
What is an interaction ritual?
Proper way of interacting depending on the social setting
What is the social construction of reality?
process by which out perception of reality is shaped by the meaning we assign to a situation
What is dramaturgy?
Impression management (acting as an actor in a play- front/back stage)
What were some steps in sociolocultural evolution?
Hunting and gathering, horticultural/pastural societies, agricultural, industrial, post industrial
What is mechanical solidarity?
Preindustrial society being held together by collective consciousness (emotional connection)
How is advanced society held together?
Division of labor/mutual dependency (buying and selling)
What is a gemeinschaft society?
Traditional. Most relationships based on personal bonds and friendships
What is a gesellchaft society?
Large, urban. Bonded by interpersonal interdependence (but needs many personal and impersonal relationships)