Chapter 5 Flashcards
Cardiac Arrest
Heart function and circulation stop.
Complete blockage of airways requires immediate action.
A. Risk Factors
1. Diagnosis- stroke, swallowing difficulty
2. Medications
3. Mental status
- unconscious
- cognitive impairment: wandering, eating others food at inappropriate consistency
B. Prevention
1. Know at risk residents
2. Special diets/ thickened liquids
- soft/ mechanical soft/ puréed diets
- liquids consistency
— nectar thick- thicker than water
— honey thick- pours very slowly
— pudding thick- semi- solid
Confused relative to time and/or place.
Circumstances or conditions that surround an individual.
- clutter
- slippery/wet floors or freshly waxed floors
- uneven surfaces
- poor lighting
- call light out of reach
- side rails
Sudden loss of consciousness because of inadequate blood supply to the brain.
Broken bone.
Total paralysis of the arm, leg, or torso on ONE SIDE of the body.
Excessive blood loss from a blood vessel.
Loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part; usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply.
To cause injury, illness, or death by chemical means.
Risk Factor
Characteristic, condition, or behavior that increases the possible of injury.
Burn by hot liquids in contact with skin.
A. Risk Factors
1. Diagnosis/conditions- stroke, paralysis, diabetes
2. Mental status/ cognitive impairment
3. Heating appliances/ equipment
4. Smoking
5. Hot liquids
B. Prevention
1. Know at risk residents
2. Check/ report use of heated appliances
3. Check water temperatures
4. Supervise when smoking, when indicated
5. Encourage smoking apron, cigarette extensions, etc. when indicated
6. Know locations of nearest fire extinguisher or fire blanket
7. Pour hot liquids away from residents
8. Mugs with lids/adaptive devices
Seizure (Convulsions)
Sudden contractions of muscles due to a disturbance in brain activity.
State of being when vital parts of the body do not get enough blood; brain, heart, or lungs.
1. Falls/fainting
2. Burns
3. Poisoning
4. Choking
Consequences can range from minor bruises to fractures and life- threatening injuries
A. Risk Factors
1. Personal
- medications
- gait or balance problems
- diagnosis: paralysis, hemiplegia, weakness, disorientation
- fainting
- bowel/bladder status: urgency, incontinence
- improperly fitting shoes or clothing
B. Prevention
1. Knowing fall risk residents
2. Frequent toileting program
3. Respond to call lights ASAP
4. Use proper shoes and clothing
5. Keep environment clear of obstacles
C. Intervention
1. Don’t try to stop fall, ease off the floor gently, call for help and keep resident in same position until nurse is present