Chapter 5 Flashcards
Eigenvector (x) of A if:
An (n x n) matrix has how many eigenvalues?
eigenvalues ≤ n
λ is an eigenvalue of A iff:
How do you find the eigenvalues of a TRIANGULAR matrix?
λ of A are the entries on the main diagonal of A.
Similarity invariants: properties that are preserved under similarity transformations
Determinant, eigenvalues, trace, eigenspace dimension, rank, nulity, invertibility, characteristic polynomial
How do you know if B is similar to A?
if there is an invertible matrix P such that B = P-1AP
If B is similar to A then?
If B is similar to A, then A is similar to B
What makes a matrix diagonalizable?
if square matrix A is similar to some diagonal matrix
If A (n x n) is diagonalizable, then how many linearly independent eigenvectors does it have?
If A is diagonalizable, it has n linearly independent eigenvectors
Procedure for diagonalizing an (n x n) matrix:
- Determine if matrix is diagonalizable (n linearly independent eigenvectors)
- Form matrix P: column vectors = basis vectors
- D = P-1AP
Can you determine eigenvalues of Ak if you know the eigenvalues of A?
If λ = eigenvalue of A, then λk = eigenvalue of Ak
What is geometric multiplicity?
dimension of eigenspace corresponding to λ0
What is algebraic multiciplty?
of times that (λ - λ0) appears as a factor in the characteristic polynomial of A
Example problem:
What is the geometric & algebraic multiplicity of:
(λ - 1)2(λ + 2) for λ = 1
Geometric: ≤ 2
Algebraic = 2
What is the relationship between geometric & algebraic multiplicity?
geometric multiplicity ≤ algebraic multiplicity
Differential equation
equation involving unknown functions & derivatives
Difference between general & particular solution of diff equation?
General solution: in terms of C
Particular solution: given an initial condition → solve for C
Constant coefficient first-order homogeneous linear system
y’ = Ay
Procedure for solving y’ = Ay:
- Find eigenvalues: det(λI-A) = 0
- Find bases for eigenspace: plug λ back in and RREF
- Construct P (using eigenvectors as columns) & D (using eigenvalues)
- Double-check using: P-1AP = D
- Solve: u’ = Du
- Solve: y = Pu
- Plug-in initial conditions & solve particular solution
Markov chain
stochastic model where probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event
What matrix a stochastic matrix P regular?
If all the entries of Pk are positive
What a Markov Chain’s steady state vector?
long-term probability → equilibrium of Markov chain
What is the equation to find the steady-state vector?