Chapter 45+46 Ethical, Moral And Cultural Issues Flashcards
What are morals ?
Set of principles applying to an individual
What are ethics ?
Set of standarts expected by a group an individual belongs to
Why are morals different for everyone ?
As everyone has a different idea between ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’
Pros and Cons of Computers in The Workforce
×employee monitoring for greater efficiency
×people multi tasking
×machines are able to work for longer,faster and do not take breaks or holiday
× people may feel like it is a privacy breach if they’re monitored
× monitoring puts more pressure on employees and shows increase in stress related illness
× machines which replace people have a pre defined course with some features that haven’t been implemented yet - so may fail to deliver
× machines are expensive
What is another name for automated decision making ?
Expert Systems
What are the PROS and CONS of automated decision making ?
× never forget situations
× quicker and less workers needed
× who is responsible if it is wrong for e.g. treatment plan
× Need more of a specialised worker watching over
× heavy influence on people e.g. determining if you get a mortgage and advertising
× may not have all paths possible implemented
What are the PROS and CONS of Artificial Intelligence ?
× can solve a variety of problems
× effective workforce
× when does it become alive ?
× should they be able to manage our food or kids ?
× cost and maintenance
What are the main issues with driver less cars?
Algorithms that will be used in the face of causing unavoidable harm - who should be hurt and who should be spared ? Who is to blame for algorithm choice?
What are the Enviromental Issues with Computer Devices ?
Carbon Footprint
Waste products
Built In Obsolescence
Private Data Destruction
Why aren’t device distribution schemes always suppoted?
Although aimed to decrease cultural gap, it increases carbon footprint due to transportation and is often seen as dumping rubbish onto someone else.
What are some features of the modern world that can help the environment?
Working from home, reducing the use of electricity for heating and lighting of office. Reduces pollution created by cars for transportation.
What happens when tech is dumped onto landfills.
Chemicals leak into ground and pollute the water. People often collect them exposing themselves to lead and mercury.
What is internet censorship?
Control or suppression of what can be accessed,viewed or published.
Why may people want to use internet censorship?
Business related reasons
Religious reasons
Moral reasons
Political - due to laws
Some examples of internet censorship?
Safe - filtering at schools - political and ethical
it is done to protect people of younger age and get them to focus on education
Why is internet censorship difficult.
The rate of upload is too great, not everything can be checked.
Websites are hosted all around the world, hard to check everything.
Countries that have internet censorship?
Korea - total control of the internet
Why are internet trolls / is cyber bullying dangerous.
What law does it break?
People have been committing suicide and it is hard to trace and prosecute.
Communications Act 2003 and can break Equality Act 2010
Why do we monitor behaviour? What is the problem with it?
Usually for security purposes(crime prevention using CCTV) and internet behaviour if necessary for buisness or age restrictions.
Many people may feel like it is a privacy breach.
How can we choose to monitor our behaviour? Chosen Monitoring?
Using devices like fitbits
What is an example of passive behaviour monitoring?
What is an example of forced behaviour monitoring?
Ankle Monitor
What is piracy?
Act of theft with the use of computers, can be of personal information or software.
Why do we have to consider what the website contains when making one?
As internet can be accessed from anywhere, we have to be careful to not offend different cultures or religions.
What do we have to consider when making a website?Give an example for each.
Layout - arabic is read from left to right
Colour - green is banned in India , colour blind people may have troubles
Character Sets - different languages have different characters e.g. accents on letters
What is data mining? Example?
a fully automated process which looks at large sets of data and tries to identify patterns in order to predict something
Social Media , Shopping Habits - adverts mostly
What are the 3 general ares where data mining is used?
Medical research,advertisement, criminal activities
What can happen using data mining?What is an issue?
An individual can be modelled on input information - can feel like a privacy breach to some people.