chapter 4.3 Flashcards
community legal centres
community legal centres (CLC)
Community legal centres (CLCs) are one type of legal assistance service provider in Australia.
As independent organisations they provide free legal services, including advice, information and
ongoing assistance and representation, to people who may not be able to access legal services in
any other way.
generalist CLC
generalist CLCs, which provide broad legal services to people in a particular geographical
area (e.g. Barwon Community Legal Service Inc. and Moonee Valley Legal Service are
generalist CLCs that serve their respective local areas)
specialist CLC
specialist CLCs, which focus on a particular group of people or area of law (e.g. YouthLaw
provides free legal services for people under the age of 25).
The role of CLCs
Community legal centres provide accused people with information, legal advice and ongoing
assistance in a case. They also provide legal education to the community so that there is a greater
awareness of rights and understanding of legal information, and they advocate for changes to the
justice system to address what they see as unfair laws, policies or practices.
Funding of CLCs
VLA funds CLCs in Victoria through Commonwealth and state funding. Some CLCs receive grants from
government or private sources. Many who assist at CLCs are volunteers.
CLC funding is an issue in Australia, partly because of the significant demand for legal assistance.
Types of assistance for accused people
- Basic legal
information - Legal advice
and assistance
Basic legal
CLCs provide basic legal information on a day-to-day basis. Some of the information is online about criminal offences and
where to get more assistance.
CLCs also provide people with basic legal education such as The Law Handbook, a resource available online and in hard copy, which provides legal
information about criminal matters such as those in relation to fines.
Legal advice
and assistance
- Legal Advice and Help: Community Legal Centres (CLCs) offer legal advice and help with tasks like writing letters and filling out forms. They can also assist with applying for legal aid from
- Victoria Legal Aid (VLA).
Services: Some CLCs provide walk-in legal advice or make house calls.
Some CLCs will provide casework or assistance for an accused. This involves ongoing legal
representation and assistance. Each CLC has its own eligibility requirements. Many CLCs do not
offer assistance for indictable offences.
eligibility for assitance of accused
CLCs generally consider the following factors:
* the type of legal matter the person needs help with
* whether other assistance is available (such as through VLA)
* whether the person has a good chance of success
* whether the CLC is available to assist.
Types of assistance for victims of crime
- Basic legal information
- Legal advice and
assistance - Duty lawyer services
- Ongoing casework
Basic legal information
Many CLCs provide basic legal information to victims of crime. For example, Djirra
has fact sheets on family violence available to download online. The Women’s Legal
Services Victoria also has information, such as detailed information about applying for
financial assistance.
Legal advice and
CLCs provide legal advice and preliminary assistance, such as help with making
applications or filling in forms. Victims of crime can also visit CLCs to obtain free legal
advice, or can call to get legal advice and assistance. YouthLaw provides legal advice
over the phone, and has a helpline for young people who are victims of crime.
Duty lawyer services
Some CLCs provide duty lawyer services to victims of crime who are seeking a family
violence protection order or personal safety protection order. For example, Women’s
Legal Service Victoria provides duty lawyers at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court who
can give free legal advice and representation on the day in relation to a family violence
intervention order hearing. Fitzroy Legal Service also provides duty lawyers at the
Specialist Family Violence Court at Heidelberg Magistrates’ Court for family violence
intervention order matters.
Ongoing casework
Some CLCs will provide ongoing casework or assistance for a victim of crime. This will
involve ongoing legal representation and assistance. Each CLC has its own eligibility
requirements. Much of the casework will be in relation to an application for financial
assistance, or an application for a family violence intervention order or personal
intervention order.
Strengths of CLC
- free legal info is available on many clc websites
- some info is provided in different languages
- free interpreter services
- educate community about processes and rights
weakness of CLC
- insufficient funding
- most dont assist people with idictable offences
- not enoguh staff or volunteers