Chapter 4.0 To 4.1 Flashcards
3 main categories of traffic studies
Inventories, Administrative Studies, Dynamic Studies
Conducted to Estimate the distribution speeds of vehicles in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a hughway.
Spot speed studies
This requires that drivers be UNAWARE that such studi is being conducted.
Spot Speed Studies
The duration of Spot speed studies are:
Atleast 1 hour and sample size is 30 vehicles
Which is the arithmetic mean of all observed vehicle speeds.
Average Speed
Which is the speed at the middle value in a series of spot speeds that are arrange in ascending order.
Median Speed
Which is the speed value that occurs most frequently in a sample spot speeds.
Modal Speed
Which is the range of speed usually taken 10 mi/h intervals that has the greatest number of observations.
Which is a measure of the spread of the individual speeds.
Standard Deviation of Speeds
Statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set.
A measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean.
Standard Deviation
Used to determine the sample sizes for traffic engineering studies.
Probability Theory
2 methods for conducting spot speed studies
Manual and Automatic
2 general categories of Road Detectors
Pneumatic Road Tubes and Induction Loops
Are laid across the lane in which data are to be collected.
Pneumatic Road Tubes
A rectangular wire loop buried under the roadway surface.
Inductive Loop
The presence of vehicles is detected through electronic means and information is obtained.
Electronic - Principle Detector
Work on the principle that when signal is transmitted on the vehicle the reflected signal is proportional to the speed of the moving vehicle.
Radar- Based Traffic Sensors
Conducted to collect data on the number of vehicles and or pedestrians that pass point on highway in specified period of time.
Traffic Volume Studies
Is the average of 24- hour counts collected every day of the year.
AADT - Average Annual Daily Traffic
Is the average of 24-hour counts collected over a number of days greater than one but less than a year.
ADT - Average Daily Traffic
Is the maximum number of vehicles that pass point on a highway during a period of 60 consecutive minutes.
PHV - Peak Hour Volume
Records volume with respect to the type of vehicles, example passemger cars, two axle trucks or three.
VC - Vehicle Classification
Is a measure of travel along a section of road.
VMT - Vehicle Miles of Travel
Involves one or more persons recording observed vehicles using a counter.
Manual Counting
Those that require the laying of detectors and do not require the laying detectors.
Automatic Counters -
Particularly suitable for cities and counties, capable obtaining per vehicle or volume data.
Apollo Counter/ Classifier
Is an autonomous system that does not require any cabling.
The Traffic Eye Universal
The area which the data required is cordoned off by imaginary closed loop.
Cordon Counts
The study area is divided into large section by running imaginary lines.
Screen line counts
Are taken to determine vehicle classifications, through movements, and turning movements at intersections.
Intersection Counts
Are made at loactions such as subways stations, midblocks and crosswalks.
Pedestrian Volume Counts
In order to obtain certain traffic volume data, suach as AADT it is necessary to obtain data continously.
Periodic Volume Counts
These counts are taken continous ly using a mechanical or electronic counters.
Continous Counts
Stations which continous counts are taken.
Permanent Count Stations
Strategically located so that representative samples of traffic volume can be taken on each type of highway counting program.
Control Counts
This counts are used to estimate ADT, using expansion factors developed from control counts.
Coverage Counts
These Maps show traffic volumes on individual routes.
Traffic Flow Maps
This sheets are graphic representations of the volume and direcfions of all traffic movements through the intersection.
Intersection Summary Sheets
These charts show the hourly, daily,monthly or annual variatikns in traffic volume in an area.
Time-Based Distribution Charts
These table give a summary of traffuc volume data such as PHV.
Summary Tables